The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)




What’s the point of executing a brilliant plan if you don’t endlessly lord your victory over the people you outsmarted? We laugh when it happens in movies, but it’s such a genuine impulse in the midst of an unquestioned conquest that we’d all find ourselves monologuing too if we were the supervillain.

Like imagine the reverse where Trump is the main character so sees himself as the hero. You just crushed this dude and are sending him to prison. Tell me you wouldn’t spare a significant amount of time explaining exactly how stupid he is to his face, why he never had a chance, each step you took to bring about his downfall.

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As if!



Go to work as a prosecutor for the fascist overlords as a means to protect your family?


If you don’t have a good answer to those questions, you’ve already decided.

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you love to see it


Hey, I know it was posted recently but a search didn’t find it.

I want to donate for election purposes. There was somewhere to donate that would split the funds among a bunch of close races. What’s the link?

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That’s some good shit.


Honestly I don’t. While it’s good for the feels it just reinforces my fears of Trump going full Hitler.

I would have preferred a silent protest that makes a good showing for the cameras that also pays respect to the life of RBG.

No, no, no.

Please no more donating to Amy McGrath.

She has no shot. Complete waste of money.

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This is unfair. I think a lot of us vote, donate money and time, and protest. OK, Trump steals the election. Obviously we protest, but that will likely do us no good. What then? I think it’s fair for Viridian or any of us not to know the answer to that. If you have answers I’d love to hear them.

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There are a couple:

The first one specifically does NOT have KY

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General strike. Civil disobedience. By any means necessary.

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Sorry, I linked the wrong one. Meant to link the other one. I get them confused because they both have Mitch in their name.

Is he hiding behind a pillar? lol what a coward

It’s just the camera angle.
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