The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

you know, because we didn’t have enough going on

Trump also expanded on his unproven claim that Biden is on drugs, stating, “they gave him a big fat shot in the ass… and for two hours, he is better than ever before. Problem is, what happens after that?”

It’s a god damned lock that trump is protecting his personal experience of being doped up before an event on to Biden here.


I caught a bit of Bill Maher this week (yeah, I know). He had Michael Cohen on there who was more than willing to dish on Trump. However, when Bill asked him if Trump took any drugs, Cohen gave a pretty emphatic no on that.

I still think you’re probably right despite what Cohen says.


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I look forward to another cycle of trump jokes about doing a thing, then soon after does that thing for real

I know it won’t happen but it would be ultimate chefskiss.jpg if Biden comes out of the day of election leading and Trump has to start screaming about counting all the mail in votes.


that’s what i fear will cause me to lose my mind.

that was my ex-wife’s move and… i dunno, i can’t describe the feelings i get inside from that kinda thing :rage:

That’s awfully convenient. Losing badly in the polls six weeks out and suddenly the Trump Administration is leaking about how Iran wants to assassinate our ambassadors and is about to have a nuke?


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I’ll believe Iran is three months or less away from having a nuclear bomb when Israel preemptively attacks them.

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It’s nonsense, but the fake UN deadline ‘expired’ on Saturday and the US is going to announce further sanctions today, so just ‘cover’ for that.

Oh, and the Israel attacks already happened a few months back, probably.

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This vaccine is going to be so politicized only Trumpers and people who pay no attention to politics will take it right away. If only it vaccinated against stupidity and apathy, we’d be out of this whole nightmare in no time.

I’ll just tee that up for someone else to take the obvious swing.

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This is a big deal if true.

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The democrats’ quiver is full of the finest ink well pens, which means we will see a barrage of deadly letters!

Thanks Obama.

I totally believe “a US official” when they talk about wmd in the middle East. They’ve got a great track record for truthfulness on that score.


Here’s the source for that Iran story (I think), it’s a classic of the “talk shite but have moron journalists who will make it sound important” genre:

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said Iran could have enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon by the end of the year and that Tehran has resumed long-range missile cooperation with nuclear-armed North Korea. He did not provide detailed evidence regarding either assertion.

But even further down:

“Iran is clearly doing everything it can to keep in existence a virtual turnkey capability to get back into the weaponization business at a moment’s notice should it choose to do so,” the U.S. official told Reuters.

So, actually, even this clown says they’re not doing anything to pursue weaponisation at the moment. The ‘may’ in the twitter quote is about as meaningful as a horoscope. It’s ages till December, anything could happen!

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I read this as save your second vote and vote trump!

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