The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

According to the White House.

From what I’m seeing on Twitter, they’re completely ignoring it and just talking about how this must be done to prevent a radical Marxist takeover of America.

Narrator: It wasn’t a principled statement.

Not too hard to obtain, fairly tricky to purify, and pretty difficult to administer in a lethal fashion. E.g., having someone eat it may only give them a bad stomach ache. Injecting it would be the most likely to kill them.

Narrator’s sarcasm detector seems to be broken.

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In his defense, you’re not exactly known for calm dispassion. I think your general well being could be significantly improved with a weed habit.


My favorite part: In 2008, Roger von Bergendorff was found comatose in his Las Vegas hotel room after he had accidentally inhaled ricin he had produced. After he woke up from his coma, he was sentenced to three years in prison.

I like to pretend this is a 4D all-in shove where the other side said fuck you, you’ll never print the story, so Buzzfeed shoves by announcing the deadline villain now has to consider folding.

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No no no you’re missing his point. He’s saying this is vengeance. He’s saying the other side did something terrible that deserves a proportional response. That means what the GOP does now isn’t wrong. This is justice.

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I get that. It’s just that this “event” happened before he made his statement about how it would be wrong to replace a justice in an election year. It makes as much sense as him picking out something that happened in the 1800s.

If Reid’s actions could justify filling the seat, then he can’t say that “I will not say that the seat should be filled if it comes up again”, because he already knew what Reid did.

This is all kind of pointless because we know that logical consistency is not going to win the day.

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Correct. We make a mistake every time we assume that the Republicans will operate on principle, because we (rightly) believe that principles should align with fundamental moral precepts. But with an increasingly-captive audience of left-hating lemmings, the Republicans don’t need to be principled - they just need to be perceived as such. And they’ve effectively trained their constituents to perceive whatever the GOP wants them to.


That’s true. Consistency would be a coincidence.

This one is a particularly effective piece of propaganda. If this feels right, good! Because it IS right. If this feels wrong, you’re right that in peace times, it would be. But this is war. This is justice.

You’re looking for consistency and logic where there is none to be expected. Graham couldn’t care less what the official reason for his “change of mind” is. He just needed to write in something that’s not literally “fuck you, that’s why”.
He was always going to find a “reason”.


I’m pretty sure I explicitly said that it is not expected:

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Grunching because I try to read every post in this thread and still haven’t hit “Oh shit RBG” section (although I previewed it yesterday) but just posting to say that I think Papa Joe’s ads are actually pretty good. Quick hits of “I’m going to protect your healthcare” and “I’m going to protect Social Security and Medicare” are good. Only way I consider staying in this country is a blue tidal wave so hope they help.


Seems like blocking interstates is a good idea


afaict the killing babies tweet is still up. jfc

There are strategies using NVDA to stop business as usual that don’t have the legal(IANAL) or safety challenges that shutting down an interstate highway entails.

For example, I participated in an action to shut down the trucks coming out of the port. With about 150 people max we were able to continually have people in the crosswalk of the intersection that controls the flow of traffic out of the port. We spent hours crossing the street in pouring rain. Kind of fun actually.

It’s why the cops will often collaborate with people organizing marches to set an “official” end time, because they want the people participating to feel like it’s a parade, get to the end of the route and to disperse ASAP before they realize…hey what if we did something more than just march.


Ordinary people realizing their collective power is the absolute horror scenario for the assholes in charge. Twas ever thus.

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