The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Someone explain to me how protesting is going to work? For it to work you have to assume republicans give even the tiniest fuck about a single non-republican.

Every single non-trumpkin in ‘Murcia, all 225 million of them, could join one massive protest and it wouldn’t sway a single republican vote for confirmation.

In fact, Trump wants nothing more right now than more protests. It’s is fucking wet dream.

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There’s a good chance things come down to whether Trump is willing to order the execution of non-violent protesters, whether his goons will carry out those orders and if/how the actual military responds.

He is, they are, and the military does nothing.

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I’m pretty sure you’re right about the first two but not so sure about the third.

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If 225 million people committed to making public life hell for powerful Republicans, you would certainly see some change

Protesting works by making them feel uncomfortable at the minimum, I won’t get into maximums but there are historical precedents. Seems that the problem is just the comfortable life that most people have is tough to give up. I’m in this boat certainly.

But 225 million Americans could definitely move the needle if they made a commitment to not being civil in a variety of aspects


Protests aren’t a call Republican empathy, they’re a method of tanking donor profits/stock portolios until they start asking for change.


The endless parade of 50 star generals who happily work for him, leave and write sternly worded letters about what an atrocity he is supports my position.

Trump sounds worse slurring on a mic than I would in an hour or two and I’m 3 beers and 3 Jameson deep.

The crowd laughs about Bernie being a gracious loser. Funny stuff. You are supposed to whine on Twitter like an unhinged coke addict.

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One of the best anarchists on Twitter posted yesterday that his worst case scenario is Canada completely shutting the border due to worsening covid in the US winter and roving gangs of militias hunting down and murdering leftists of all stripes fleeing for the Mexican border after Pinochet-style swoops where tons of people are arrested in a short period of time.

That escalated quickly

Hey, he said worst case scenario! Surely it can’t actually happen.



“OMG you can’t say this stuff out loud the consequences are.”

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The thing all you doom-and-gloomers are forgetting is that any Trump-appointed justice will obviously have to recuse himself from any decision related to his re-election. I think everything will work out just fine.


Even a recusal leaves the court with three liberals begging Roberts to tie it up to leave the lower court ruling of “LOL Liberals” to stand.



What if the argument was that all 3(because duh lol there will be a 3rd one by Nov 3rd) Trump appointed justices to the SCOTUS must recuse themselves? Hmmmm.

I mean the answer is still lolfuckyou of course, but one can dream.

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I’m on the side of being willing to use it against him even if allegations are not true.

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Moms is more left than at least 70% of this forum and completely on team WAAF and Ginsburg death is probably the end of democracy. And has been saying Trump wins again its the end of democracy too. And she gets her news from CNN and MSNBC.

GOAT boomer.