The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

You should go all Stewie Griffin on them: “When I grow up, I’m never gonna call you. I’m gonna be busy with my job and my family. You’ll be nothing.”


Right so my folks refinanced like 10 years ago and have like 20 years left on the mortgage and <100K in savings. They’re fucked, I’ve been warning them for like 13 years but I’m just a dumb kid LDO.

Yeah I mean I begged my father to talk to a financial planner like 10 years ago to just establish a basic plan on how much to save and invest and how to allocate it over the rest of his life stocks vs. bonds. He said okay and never did, we had the conversation easily 15 times. Started reminding him monthly the last six months before his retirement as he was still like 70% in stocks and that he had no idea what he should do as he retired. Begged him in February to get out of the markets due to the pandemic. Begged him to talk to someone.

He still hasn’t. He’s a goddamned ostrich.

The amazing thing is my parents always had at least a middle class if not upper middle class income. Their house was maybe $180-200K when they got it, very reasonable. They’ve never bought a car over like $25K and bought maybe three vehicles for over $10K lifetime. They have very little to show for it but they’ve basically made every small decision wrong, carried too much debt, paid too much interest. They’ve bought so many cars for $3-5K then dumped $10-15K into repairs. After like 20 years of doing that they finally started buying cheap new cars.

We took vacations we should not have, and just lived slightly beyond our means when I was a kid but put it on credit cards thus the interest kicked their ass.

I just can’t, I still love them. I’m furious at him but I love them, and my mom just doesn’t get involved in the finances. She almost fought him to take over the checkbook when they went bankrupt but she decided not to go to the mattresses on that. She would have been better at it because she would have done crazy shit like, you know, setting a budget.

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Sounds like when they run out of money, selling the house and moving into assisted living covered by SS should be the plan.

There’s a joke in here, but I’m not eloquent enough to make it without seeming like an asshole. I’ll just say that it’s usually pretty easy to pick out who was raised as an only child.

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Sounds about…white


Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average


Unless the goal is to use the new supreme court to decide the election. Rule mail in ballots must stop being counted after a day, or just declare them all invalid. Anything is possibly with these assholes.

If they didn’t plan on cheating they would 100% wait until after the election, so its pretty clear full on cheating is the plan and using the supreme court.


Yeah, it’ll be heartbreaking but if I’m not in a position to help that’s probably going to be what has to happen. Of course, if Trump wins I don’t see Social Security surviving 10 more years. He’ll make the payroll tax cut permanent via executive order and a 5-4 or 6-3 LOL FUCK YOU ruling will say that he’s allowed to do it.

Minnesota is about 85% white and 6% black. Full-blown white supremacy.

Even conservative justices tend to follow precedent and the rule of law (Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both ruled against Trump regarding his taxes and financial records)

Like I said, I could be wrong. But I’m willing to bet the seat doesn’t get filled before the election. If anyone wants to take it PM me

$100 even odds, loser donates to charity of winners choice

Reply to book

Brett Kavanagh’s seat has been held open? Didn’t realize.

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Done! Do you want to escrow? I don’t need one, but if you do, I trust JohnnyTruant or any of the reg posters such as Mr.Wookie, etc. PM to discuss further. Otherwise, I’ll assume we got a bet. We should both be hoping you lose, so it’ll be $100 well spent on your part lol

[Gets extremely angry.]

[Fires off angry sarcastic texts.]

[Pulls up Jaime Harrison’s website.]

[Donates money.]

[Tweets out link to donate to Jaime Harrison.]

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