The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Meh. They can just fill the seat now and still mobilize their base with nonstop stories about The Secret Democrat Plot to Ruin America by expanding the SC to 13 seats and filling the 4 new ones with Certified Baby Killers that hate God and love abortions and are going to steal all the guns etc etc etc.

Getting the public talking about the SC at all is a HUGE victory for Trump. 24 hours ago the focus was entirely on his obvious failures as President. Everything that distracts from that helps him.


Yes I’d pick the four or six I’d actually do for strategic reasons and he’s be the extra one for an extra fuck you to McConnell, but I’d list him first and slow roll them for max suffering.

Yes he has flat out said to me he’s glad he won’t have to live through most of the ramifications of this presidency and it sucks for me. Still doesn’t regret not voting in 2016 because her emails or something.


ya this is huge too, i feel


I was very close to leaving the top of the ticket blank because I think Biden sucks and do NOT want to vote for him. But I came around and decided it’s too important to get Trump out of the WH and we can push Biden more and more to the left

It’s much more possible now than it was 6 months ago and that’s my point. If Republicans shove another seat down our throats, it’s all but guaranteed they lose the senate and the presidency. From there, we primary centrist Dems and fill their seats with progressives.

I almost hope they do fill the seat. They will get CRUSHED in this election if they do, and might never regain control

Pass that good shit you’re smoking.


i hope you’re right, what can i say. i think this risks a potential Big Victory for “Trump” to add to his list of achomlishments

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I could always be wrong, but it’s amazing to me that no one is even willing to entertain thoughts that take us past the moment

PA, MI and WI are in conservative federal court circuits. Please explain to me how you expect to win the court cases that will decide our election.

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Today I am reminded of some of Aaron Sorkin’s finest writing.


My mom has been rocking a “Republicans for Biden” shirt since July. Bonus points: Trump hasn’t personally hurt her life in any way!


Tell him that his 2016 non vote is why he will never ever see his grandchildren.

He’s probably never going to get to have grandchildren the way this is going. But yeah. After the move some shit is going to be said.

My parents are on pace to run out of money in 10 years or less because they didn’t really save and invest for retirement. Now they did a lot for me and I’m grateful but like he better motherfucking hope I can keep making really good money cause his lifestyle is going to depend on it.

He doesn’t expect to run out of money of course, I showed him the math based on his budget and he just shrugged it off.

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Boomer approach to retirement: tell kids to “mind their own business” then guilt those same kids into paying for their lifestyle when they run out of money.


Lol literally it. I was telling them as a college student that they needed to sell their house and downsize to save enough for retirement. I told my Dad when he said he wanted to retire that he didn’t have enough money to last. He said he did and he was sick of working and that was that. Now he says it’ll be fine they won’t runout. He’s like remodeling the house too so that’ll probably knock a couple years off it.

Just horrible decisions and virtually no consequences. Being a white American Boomer is the biggest cheat code in human history.

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Well for the Riverman pronouncement to be true, someday he will be asking you to “pay for his lifestyle”. Do you see that happening?

Yeah they’re going to run out of money in 10 years or less, at which point they’ll be reduced to Social Security and nothing else - if we haven’t already bankrupted it. At that point I’ll be their only possible caretaker so regardless of my income level I’ll have to take care of them.

If I’m making a lot of money I can give them some. If not they’ll be living in my spare room or something. That’s their range of possible outcomes unless they make massive changes to their budgeting (no chance) or he gets a job again (possible).

To be clear they aren’t living a lavish lifestyle by American standards. Typical suburban life. They just carried tons of debt their whole lives and didn’t save enough for retirement. Like he started saving for retirement at 60 or 63 or something and retired at 70. He retired with < 100K in his retirement accounts, and my mom retired like 15 years early due to health problems and refused to go on disability even though she could have because she considered it unchristian. She believed God would heal her but she had to have faith and this would not sign a document that said she was disabled.

They had a huge fight over this and she refused.

Their entire adult life is a series of terrible financial decisions. I love them and they’re good people in almost every way and they were wonderful to me, but the fact is they suck at managing finances and operate with little/no long term plan.

Boomers that don’t leverage their houses can probably get by on social security alone. Many have some form of pension that was earned before those went away. I was shocked to recently learn that only 60% of houses in america have mortgages.

That said, there are tens of millions of people whose houses are fully leveraged as they approach retirement with substantially no savings. Those people are screwed and largely in denial.

He meant Jessica or Rebecca Garland.

That sounds like a pretty shitty situation. Good Luck.

I thought my parents were poor financially, but their problems pale in comparison. The save a bit, and try not to spend a lot, but their main problem is that they have no coherent investment or decumulation strategy. Their idea of good investments are CDs. They’re probably OK, but if they just shoved everything in a target retirement fund they would be in a much better spot.

Also they have this annoying habit of asking me for advice but then not actually executing it.