The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Is this the first good poker analogy in forum history?


Seems to me, it would be a super dumb move strategically if they try to fill seat before election. The number of “Never Trump” Republicans and those who left the party are not totally insignificant. They, and other conservatives will have no incentive to vote Trump or Republican if the seat is filled before election. By leaving it open, they force all conservatives to suck it up and vote their values even if they hate Trump

Senators like Collins have no shot at getting re-elected if the seat is filled before election

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Instead of wasting internet bandwidth, how about giving a reasoned argument to the contrary? Or at least put some skin where your lol is? I’ll bet you they don’t attempt to fill the seat. Loser changes SN to "owned by [the winner] for 3 months. Or we can do real money if you like

I’ll interject & I’m not even American to be able to understand it, this SC justice is it, there seats matter not a jot after yesterday’s announcement.

They win everything with this nomination, everything.

Edit: they’ll be celebrated in their little bubble until their death after Mitch confirms the SC justice.

It’s been real. It’s been fun. It has not been real fun.

I am going back to being a conservative Republican like I was in my yute.

lmao idk it’s just weird for them to risk not getting this thing they really really want that lasts 30+ years. i don’t think mitch is gonna risk it, i mean he’s said what he’s doing, i believe him

When the Dems control both houses, they’re going to have to change the # of SCOTUS seats to offset the one McConnel “stole” in 2016 anyway. This also offers a perfect example of why we also need to change from lifetime appointments to term limits. I’m having an identical conversation with a friend who’s freaking about this and begging me to call my senator to demand they don’t fill the seat and she’s screaming at me because I’m really not that worried about it

Remember what they really care about is retaining power. Not abortions, religious values, or what their constituents care about. If they fill the seat, it’s a slam dunk they lose both houses and the presidency.

Literally every part of what you said is pants-on-head magical thinking. It’s not worth more than a quick “lol.”


How is that supposed to happen

Then bet, instead of using the full power of your intellectual capacity to post lol

What I’m saying is that with the seat filled, it gives much less incentive to vote Republican. If you’re traditionally a Republican who is fed up with the party’s placating a buffoon like Trump, why would you vote for either Trump or your party if the seat is already filled? By leaving it vacant, you are now put to a much tougher choice and more likely to feel forced into voting Tump and Republican to appease your conservative values

hey, i mean i wish. i wish the senate was as awesome as markey and bernie but they’re not gonna go for that, man. not with the most centrist guy in the primary winning president. joe’s not gonna rock the boat like that, he sees himself as someone who can steady the ship

i think if dems take a supermajority this election (haven’t checked but probably impossible) it would be very tough and unlikely they add a justice or remove kav

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My center right NeverTrump father thinks my healthcare situation is ok because they would never repeal the ACA. I reminded him they tried and lost by a vote and went to SCOTUS numerous times. He told me that’s different. I explained California v. Texas and he said if it’s struck down that it’ll be fine as long as Biden wins, which is a lock in his eyes.

He said Democrats will re-pass the ACA and even a Republican Senate won’t block it.

He thinks it’s amusing that I’m so freaked out. I bit my tongue because he’s helping me move the next two days so it’s probably not the GTO time to tell him he’s a complete idiot, but that confrontation seems forthcoming.

He also told me not to worry, worst case the Dems will take the Senate in 2022 and I just have to struggle for a couple years.

Me: “By struggle for a couple years do you mean go without health insurance in the middle of a global pandemic with underlying health risks knowing that if I get a severe case I’ll most likely go completely bankrupt?”

Him: Silence

We aren’t going to have the numbers on this to protest it the way we would need to. They win, we lose.

Thus it shall ever be.

I mean we will always have the memories of the Matt Damon skit as we are marched off to the gulag.

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Boomers suck. A vast majority of our parents suck right?


Weren’t you the one saying Dems pick people who are too old?

Show him the WWE McCain vote that saved the ACA.

He also made a sarcastic joke about me having to get a real job for benefits. Yeah Dad I think it’s fucking hilarious that I might have to go from being my own boss with complete freedom doing something I love for really good money to taking an entry level 40 hour a week job doing whatever people will hire me to do and likely working in person during a pandemic with an underlying health risk and that’s if I can even get a job during a recession.