The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Both in very tough races as we speak. On list two I prioritized swing state seats up in '22.

He’s currently losing his re-election race in a blue leaning state.

This is essentially every conversation between a liberal and a Trump cultist for the past 4 years. I feel like the biggest mistake some of us have made is allowing these people and their views to feel normal. They are cult followers and should be viewed that way. I don’t care if it is family or friends, they should be cut out of your life completely.


I am so fucking sick of always losing. I am so fucking sick of this sense of hopelessness living in this country. There are a lot of good people who live here. They don’t deserve to be subjected to this timeline. I felt pretty numb and empty after Super Tuesday. What I feel this morning is like that on steroids.


Please let the bolded have something to do with how this guy can influence Lindsey. I’m not trying to upset Clovis with any sex shaming, but this is one case where I’d be 100% ok with this guy gay shaming Lindsey (with evidence) into submission.

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I want to be really clear about what I am advocating for here. If you have Trump cultist relatives, you should cut them off completely immediately. I don’t care if you have kids and this means cutting their grandparents off from seeing them. Tell them if they want to see your kids that you want to see receipts of donations to ActBlue, a Biden sign in their yard and a bumper sticker on their car, that they are never allowed to watch Fox News or share right wing media on Facebook again, and whatever else you want. This is the best non-violent way that we have to hit the Trump death cult where it hurts.

These people are actively hurting us all and there is no reason that is good enough for us to pretend to be civil with them anymore. The alternatives are literally war or letting our country spiral into Nazi Germany.


I agree with this, but also don’t think it would be that effective at breaking through to the cult members. I have an aunt and uncle who are the only trumpers in my otherwise very liberal family. They recently moved from an unbelievable home in Palos Verdes LA overlooking the Pacific to a shitty old house in the woods in PA so that they can be closer to their kids and grandkids as they enter their 80s. Also probably to vote in a swing state. One of my cousins (who is hosting a Biden fundraiser) who has 2 kids is no longer talking to them. The aunt and uncle took that in stride, attended another Trump fundraiser last week, bought more guns, and probably turned the volume up on their FoxNews only TV.

I’m afraid the brainwashing and racism will win out against the family appeals.

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And that may end up being true, but they should still be made to feel like the outcasts that they are.

Fundamentally the idea that they ever sincerely cared about anything is false. They care about their family only because of their deeply ingrained in-group logic. Once you challenge them, you’re not in the in-group anymore. It’s easy for them to cut you off, they do it over and over again.

The best of them will feel a little bad, most of them won’t. But they’ll blame you for being in a cult and will not take any responsibility. Their new family is Sean Hannity, the police, and people who hold guns awkwardly in the direction of dirty BLM libs, and that family will never let them down.


I call bs that this was the first time he heard. Who reacts to something like that by saying, “you are telling me for the first time”? No one. That was staged.


Y’all need to quit fooling yourselves. No Republicans are going to hold off voting unless their vote isn’t needed. They have waited generations for this opportunity. Create a 6-3 lock in the Supreme Court for hard-line conservative rule? Fuck no they aren’t letting this opportunity pass them by.


Yeah this is getting done unless curserounders idea of millions physically blocking them from doing it at the capital. That won’t happen though because the vast majority of democrats don’t realize how big of a deal this is.

We can still recover if we win presidency and senate and pack the court. Super long shot though.

What are you trying to say?

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Somebody probably took his phone. I wonder if they know his Twitter password. He’s probably one of those idiots who uses the same password for every account.

I think Coaster is trying to say if Lindsey’s alleged sexual preference can be used against him to influence his vote here then coaster is all for it.

I am too.

By any means necessary.


I’m pretty sure we are the outcasts at this point. MAGA nation is out there getting exactly what they want.


Yeah everybody rightfully has the election issue top of mind but basically all progressive legislation is dead if the Dems don’t go nuclear with capturing Congress and stacking the court. RBG’s death means that climate change apocalypse is inevitable if the US proceeds with a 6-3 SC for the next 20 years. Every piece of environmental legislation will be declared unconstitutional.

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( twitter | raw text )

Fuck off asshole.