The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Trump is right now calculating how he can best work this to his personal advantage. We can still hope is he finds a way to fuck it up.

At first I thought Trump would want to wait till after the election so he could use it as a you have to re-elect me or you’re not getting a nomination. But after thinking about it I think he’ll ask if the new court can help him cheat and if the answer is yes he will push to do it asap.

If Trump loses I could totally see him vetoing all the Republican Nominee’s because he’s going scortched earth and want to fuck over everyone who " failed " him

gorsuch → kavanaugh → stephen miller? you know whoever it is is gonna be nuttier than the last one

I’m worried about that fascist scumbag who just got appointed to the circuit court. I forget his name.

in the woodward book, lindsey graham was talking about the judges they’re confirming, and even he admitted the bench is getting thin. he’s like, yeah a few of these nominees have been totally unqualified

btw the woodward book is fantastic. he’ll interview trump, and like fast foward while doing an aside saying, “he again repeated his complaints about ____” and keep pressing trump on questions, and as trump is answering, pause and take another aside to fact check him, then unpause. it’s top notch shit


I expect to hear that Lindsay Graham soundbite about waiting to nominate until after the election about 100 times in the next two weeks.


at one point, woodward is so worried about the disastrous response to the virus he did his own independent research and came up with 15 key things the federal government absolutely has to do if they don’t want to kill hundreds of thousands of people. and he tries to talk to trump about it but trump just wants to talk about his imaginary coup attempt and how be built the best economy, but woodward keeps pressing him just to try to get him to listen but trump is so resistant to listening and keeps yammering on about bullshit that woodward starts yelling over him to get the points out and into the president’s head, like even more than asking him questions he wanted to help trump not blow this and kill people, but trump is such a baby, he’s blowing raspberries and groaning and starts bemoaning that woodward is gonna write “a bad book” about him. like this guy has been studying presidents so closely for decades and he has important advice to give and trump is so uninterested, fuck him just fuck him


lol i feel like he’s 80% to say, “things have changed. the democrats have gone SO far left that i have no choice but to vote to confirm barron trump to the supreme court”


Under. The media is complicit, and the Dems are incompetent.


You guys are gluttons for punishment getting your hopes up. Do you not remember thinking we had a chance on Kavanaugh? Do you not remember thinking we had a chance to block any of the absurdly unqualified senate confirmed positions? It’s going to happen.


Grassley said it in 2018, not today.

If Murkowski votes yay and helps slam someone through, she’s getting got in two years. Tell her to ask Susan.

She’s polled 12 down, but she’s also polled 4 down. She can’t help slam someone through before the election or she’s going to get absolutely wrecked. On the other hand we’re in a weird situation here. If she starts polling down double digits consistently, she may think she has nothing to lose.

Yeah if I was a SCOTUS Justice on my death bed right now my dying wish would be hide my corpse until January 21st. Bury me in a shallow grave in the back yard, I don’t give a fuck.

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um, pretty sure her most fervent wish was to officiate that random crowded wedding 3 weeks ago


LOL we have 38 voters and 24% of them said they’d take Trump’s hair. I made a mistake letting people vote anonymously. Who are you people?


today is the day trump became president


I know they’re incompetent, but 0.0% chance they didn’t tell him before he got within shouting distance of the media and remind him to pretend to be sad. Kayleigh McEnany is evil as fuck, but she’s not stupid. She had someone waiting at the edge of the stage to brief him on this, 100%.

So unless that person fell down a slick ramp, Trump knew.

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Again, the problem is the Dems are the big tent right now, and have members who will actually tut-tut base obscene ruthlessness before the corpse is even cold - including wringing their hands about potential right-wing media reactions.

Rs have it sooooooooo much easier. The more the left-wing reacts to something outrageously evil and obscene - the more every single person in the Trump base loves it.