The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I can’t even bring myself to watch it

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He’s acting like he got flopped a 4 of a kind.




I feel like this is going to be more important to protest for than anything so far in 2020. Shit better get real here fast or we are fucked.

ETA: It’s partially the fucking Democrats fault for trusting these fucking ghouls. JFC>

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The problem is you’re relying on actual moderate Democrats to protest. It’s not really their thing.


I agree with you completely.

Protests over black people dying? They are like “white people die too!”. I don’t see how this will change things but god I hope so.

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Not drinking yet but starting soon. We’re hanging by a thread.


I feel like acting like Trump being pointed out as a moron will be the deciding factor this time instead of him just stating things that don’t exist that people overwhelmingly believe for no reason is fucking crazy. I will hear about all the stupid shit he says a dozen times and most people will believe him.


It’s easy when you don’t even try
( twitter | raw text )

100% he’s putting a woman on the court

“Notably just the second” is his way of saying it’s historic to appoint a woman, so he will want to do that

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he’ll do the right thing and nominate Merrick Garland

100% he didn’t write a single word of that, didn’t read a single word of that, and probably doesn’t even know it was sent out on his Twitter account.


well, Collins won’t want to vote on this till after the election but I believe that’s still one short.

and I don’t believe Romney anyway

My tolerance levels are way lower after a month or two of detox. I feel the effects of the weed way more intensely and it takes less to get me there. Last time I did it was November 1 until ~10pm on Christmas Day. I miss being able to get that high.

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they didn’t trust the ghouls they just weren’t willing to fire them all into the sun when they had the chance.



In 24-48 hours, he’ll tweet something obscene about her.

dabs. I hear ya but I’d rather be high that whole time tbh lol.