The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Grassley is going to be the tipping point senator on this. I’d say in order of most likely to not vote to confirm before inauguration to least likely it goes Murkowski, Collins, Romney, Grassley.

I agree that Grassley is the least likely. I think Murkowski is possible, maybe even likely. She fucking voted against Kavanaugh. I think Collins is 50/50. NOt because she’s a reliable independent or anything, but because she maybe cares about her legacy. Next is Romney, who also cares about the institution a little bit. Again, he voted to impeach Trump.

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Susan Collins is a bitter person with horrible views. She is extremely spiteful about the way she gets personally blamed for SC justices and how much spending has gone into her race. She might play with language a bit, but I promise you she is orgasming right now thinking about putting Rao on the court. She doesn’t care.


The other monkey wrench is how an eight-person Court will decide on election challenges if necessary. And it looks like it’ll be necessary. I know a tie goes to the runner in baseball. How does it work on the court?

Lower court decision.

Tie means go fuck yourself because the original ruling is done by a Trump sycophant. Tie leaves the earlier decision intact.


Romney is way before Collins.

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Think lower court decision stands.

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I mean, RBG apparently dictated a dying wish to her granddaughter that her seat not be filled before the next inauguration. I’m not completely confident that McConnell can corral 50 senators to do this in a lame duck session.

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Lindsay can keep it from even being brought to a vote as Judiciary Chair

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Oh thank God, I am sure Republicans will honor this.

RBG doesn’t even have the right to request this. It’s a sad effort at a mea culpa.


There are also a couple of senators up for re-election in 2022 in blue states. If Collins loses they’re going ot get to watch how a Republican senator in a blue state went from +37 to -5 in 6 years after voting to confirm Kavanaugh. They may be a little skittish. Remember that, in the end, it’s all about power for the individual republican senators. Do you really think they give a shit if abortion is legal or not? If voting n this in a lame duck session right after the blue team just carried the trifecta is going to hurt their chances in 2022, they’re not doing it.

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Incoming Trump Tweets:

Next 24 hours: an unemotional, token mention of RBG’s passing–barely containing his glee: “A person, who was a living organism (sort of) died.”

Three days from now: a never-ending tweet storm justifying why what applied to Garland doesn’t apply to his next appointment.

Of course all the R senators pledging to not move ahead with an appointment hearing will capitulate once it’s brought to the table.

easiest “fake news” ever

Sorry, what? Elections in 2022?

Why would those be a thing?


I’m going to use a TBAB reference here but INSoOLOL is definitely reading this thread as he pulls his panties to the side and squeals like a schoolgirl.

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I’m trying to salvage some hope here, chill.

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2.58 million tweets

Also, it ain’t gonna be Rao. It’s gonna be worse. Go google Amy Barrett.

Agree. In fact, I’d say their preference is to continue the promise of an abortion ban. Not actually banning it.