The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Guillotine 2020


Has any human being, ever, run better than Donald fucking Trump.

Don’t waste a single second, or breath, pointing out the hypocrisy of whats about to happen. Get ready to take to the streets.


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How long until Trump tweets about replacements? Tonight?

Its the line they will take, though I have a hard time understanding how they’ll argue it makes sense. Especially since they didn’t really have that qualifier when they rejected Garland. Trump naming a replacement before his term ends is one less reason to re-elect Trump, as his power to replace dead justices will be largely moot.

Is this entire post sincere? The last part seems sincere, but not the first part.

Yeah, I’d say its sincere. How do you make the argument that a new nominee deserves to be confirmed but Garland didn’t deserve a hearing? I mean, I guess they’ll do it, but I like the other side of the argument better.

The same way they make every argument: fuck you, we’re doing it. End of argument.


Yeah. I get that. But I think we’ll see many clips of Republican Senators explaining why Garland didn’t deserve a hearing, and then being asked why the standard is different now. The “same party” argument seems kind of hard to justify. But whatever.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney & someone else is all we’re drawing live to in the lame duck I guess. Assuming that we run well and Collins is herself a lame duck maybe she’ll care about her legacy or something. Murkowski voted against Kavanaugh, maybe she’ll do it again. Romney might possibly be against confirming a judge under these circumstances. And then you need someone else. Unlikely I know, mabye it’s like 5-10 percent at best but it’s something.

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Snap take the under.

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Need 3 more.

1 time dealer!

Murkowski might change her tune:


I am now revising my 5-10 percent to 50/50. If people like Grassley are waiting till the inauguration then so is Romney, and that’s all you need.

Chuck Grassley? What the fuck?

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That one tweet seems inaccurate about people saying inauguration day.I


I don’t care what Grassley said. It’s not true. It might be true for Murkowski. She’s the only one. And I say might because it’s possible, but it’s not likely.

If they do this, it’s a charade because they think it would hurt their election chances. That’s all it is.

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