The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)


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I’m not hip enough to get this.

It’s an adaptation of an old Stephen King book called Thinner. The guy in a fat suit was getting a BJ from his wife in the car (she’s secretly cheating on him btw) and thus is distracted and doesn’t see this old guy’s wife crossing the street until he’s run over her.

So the guy is rich and pulls some strings to get off scott free. The old guy knows, though, and curses the guy with one touch and one word: Thinner.


Ignore it and pretend it’ll fix itself?


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Hopefully we will get rid of Trump in November. But Trumpism isn’t going anywhere, we will be dealing with that in some form or another for the rest of our lives. There are just to many white, privileged, barely educated people in this country that think they are owed something.


If we can get through like 2028, hopefully demographics shift enough that it’s not an ongoing back and forth struggle. But that’s a big if.

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I don’t really buy this story. I think Iran is smarter than to do something like this at this time. I think this whole thing was a fabricated leak by Trump. I think Iran will exact their revenge on Trump personally, once he leaves office.


Yeah the dream is we dominate federally and focus on local issues,

No matter what though this is going to be a big issue that lives with us for the rest of our lives. If demographics do change as much as we expect and democrats do dominate federally after 2028, I expect a TON of right wing terrorism to levels this country has never seen before. Sure the wealthier coward boomers won’t do shit but there are a fuckton of insane, younger, qanon types who legit believe all the democrats are pedophiles murdering babies and drinking their blood that will be willing to blow shit up and die for the children. Calling some of them Ya’ll Queda is funny but there will be legit branches that are like that.

I can imagine in the 2030s maybe we pass some good progressive legislation and some of these deep red towns that have or form new militias basically tell the federal government to fuck off.

Who knows where that will take this country and the majority of moderate democrats who also want law and order.

I dunno there are so many different ways this country can go. We’re definitely living through that interesting times curse,

I’m going to be optimistic about that timeline and say that the more progressive things get, the less risk there is of right wing violence.

For starters, the better people’s lives are, the harder it is to radicalize them. So if these people have good healthcare, decent jobs (or UBI), a living wage (or UBI), etc, they aren’t going to go blow stuff up. Nobody wants to go die or get a life sentence if they’ve got an income, a place, healthcare, a little money in the bank, a cold beer, some pizza and MNF to watch.

You’ll always have a few like that Cesar whatever his name was who drove a MAGA van and sent out the pipe bombs, but I don’t think you see crazy levels of violence if Democrats pass good legislation. Now if it’s eDems and things stay on the economic path they’re on with everything going to the top, yeah, it’ll get bad.

Now the natural thought after that is “Sure, cool, but they’re still racist and won’t tolerate a true melting pot.”

I’m not trying to excuse it as truly just an economic problem, but that’s part of it. Blame the brown and black people for not having a good job. So progressive policy at least eases this tension a bit, plus they’re going to have everyone from LeBron to JJ Watt and Carson Wentz to NASCAR drivers to hockey players pushing messages of racial unity.

I think that combination gets them to at least STFU about that stuff and act polite in public. I mean, it worked for 50+ years right? I just hope we can do enough to get major progress on those issues from a policy perspective.

I’m just worried about winning in '20 and '24 to see this fragile democracy survive that long. If it does, I think we’ll be okay.


Quarantine the non-whites, IMO.

Some sad news. My friend in Saudi Arabia who’s always wanted to live here, came as a student, got a job, did everything right and couldn’t get her visa renewed because of this administration, but still wanted to come back… Who was spit on for nothing more than walking down the street with brown skin, but still believed in America… Who kept her hopes up that things would get better and thus still wanted to be here… Who advanced in the visa lottery and was so excited…

Has sadly lost hope. The whistleblower story about ICE forcing hysterectomies on detainees was it. She was shocked by it, she didn’t think it could get that bad in America. She is telling me to get out now, she is scared for me to live here.

I’m so angry that we have fallen this low, that we’ve failed people like her on a whole new level. That we’ve all been complicit in our small ways and yet are also so powerless to stop it. My tax dollars paid to force hysterectomies on women. All of ours did. It’s so heinous.

I am at a loss for words to really describe the degree of how awful this is. It’s genocide, and what that means around the world is just a brand new level of horror and shame.


Might be ponied but the sequence of events in the South Dakota AG thing make zero sense.

Guy went with the sheriff to look for the “deer” once, failed to find it, went looking alone the next day, found it, drove to sheriff’s house to “report the body” wtf this happens in literally zero real scenarios.

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I don’t know, if the dude is drunk and panicking then he might be acting pretty erratically.

2022 is extremely important too. In terms of the senate map, it’s the best shot Democrats are going to have to really get something more than a slim majority. It would be nice not having to rely on people like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema all the time.

Win 2020, crush 2022, AND DO GOOD THINGS WITH THE MAJORITY, and 2024 will take care of itself.


It’s kind of crazy to think about how close we are to that demographic change becoming long-term meaningful while simultaneously being so close to losing democracy forever. Like if the demographic shift happened 10 years sooner or if the autocratic maniac took over the Republican party ten years later we’d be in such a better spot. We ran bad to be sweating it at this exact moment.

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In some ways we ran bad, but also the timing is not a coincidence.


Yea that’s true. I was going to touch on that in my post but got lazy. Trumpism and the GOP authoritarianism is hopefully the death rattle of racist whites trying to hold on in the face of the inevitable irrelevancy of their party. Had the demographic shift hit the tipping point any time between 2004 and 2016 though we’d be much better off.

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