The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Woah, slow down there buddy. We need to work with Republicans to compromise and heal the nation. If some poor people get a little help along the way, that’s nice.


This. Anyone who has ever hit or even come close to hitting a deer can tell you there’s no way you mistake a person for a deer. I mean unless maybe you’re drunk or on something else?

Yes, deer are very large! The only example I can think of is a friend of mine was driving on a country road and a startled deer jumped out of the bush as he was passing by, the deer actually kind of ran into his car.

Even if you somehow did mistake it, you sure as hell don’t go back the next day looking for a deer.


Yeah, even in Florida, where the deer are small relative to most other parts of country, they are still big and will do a lot of damage to your vehicle. There is zero mistaking it for a person.

Fun fact - one of my wife’s colleagues has hit three deer in the past 2 or 3 years. Maybe slow down there lady.


I’ve only come close once, back when I worked on my family’s farm. It was early in the morning and it was a relatively young buck that jumped half in the rode and then froze. Luckily I saw it before it decided to make its move and I was able to avoid it. At the time I drove an F-150, so I doubt it would have totaled it, but it’s body was still about at the level of my hood.

I live in the country now so its a real risk. They ate definitely out and about early in the morning, I have seen two this year when running on the trail by my house around dawn. Certainly on the road at that time of day would be high risk with the sun just coming up, and half the drivers still a little sleepy and sipping coffee.

My friend’s grandparents were driving us to a Tom Petty concert in high school and we hit a deer on a major interstate. It took out one of the headlights on a Ford Explorer, and we had to go back home and get another car before heading to the concert.

I’d like to thank the President of the United States for letting us all know the certainly not sensitive at all information about his desire to assassinate someone.


In some rural areas, it is very common to hit or almost-hit deer. There’s literally nothing you can do. And in some instances, you honestly never see the deer you hit. I’ve never personally hit a deer (thankfully, knock wood), but have been in a car when a friend did.

The deer ran off–we didn’t really see it, but found its fur on the front bumper. Car was totaled, though still driveable.

Agreed, virtually no one is going back to look for the deer-they run off and die in the woods. And if you DID go back, you would not go back twice.
( twitter | raw text )

Other, different elements of the campaign, such as Parscale’s Maseratis.


Didn’t Baraids Weiss “quit” Twitter like two years ago?

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This is some powerful stuff. Basically as a species we are gullible arseholes.

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Excure me… Brad only drives ferrari’s, sir.

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Had a dear on a wooded suburban road so an incredible move. I’m doing about 25-30 and a car is coming in the opposite direction. Full daylight. The dear appears out of nowhere from my drivers side and leaps. I jam on the breaks. It pulls in its legs, looks at me and glides diagonally over my hood and keeps going. Jordan-esque. The lady in the oncoming car put her hands out her window and clapped. I am unsure if for me stopping or for the deer’s ballet move.

And yeah that guys story stinks like a day old dead deer.


I’m curious to know more about what you felt was powerful?

@Smacc_25 and I have been PMing about Blyth and bingeing his videos. So, another perspective would be interesting.