The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

If he knew he hit a person vs a deer or if he was drunk a day before he could get tested and lol he gets tested at all? Maybe if they could find blood on his shoes or inside the car to prove he must have known or if the body was somewhere easy to see? I’m not sure how forensics is going to help assuming he didn’t do something stupid.
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My read is he obviously did it and knew and is using a fake pinch of truth to tell a bigger lie.

How far the body is from the road seems like it might matter.

Point taken tho; “fairly easily” was wishful thinking.

You mean something stupid like tell people he thought he hit a deer?
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Did you see where Donald Trump, jackass extraordinaire, is planning to vote by mail in Florida (of course!)? If Trump can do it, any American can do it!


It’s projection 100% of the time. He just tipped us off to what we already know his buddy desantis is planning.


SD AG event at bar ended at 8:30. Accident about 10:30 according to AG, about an hour drive from bar location. So he stayed a little late. His office says he doesn’t drink at these events. Cell phone data could maybe come into play to determine speeding or not.

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His office. Well that’s unbiased testimony there. He skates though everyone knows he is a piece of shit. I grew up in rural Michigan. Ain’t nobody that hits a deer that ain’t looking for that carcass or calling somebody up that might want the meat.

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knew it was a matter of time for this tweet, but 1000 times greater seems like a war crime but who am i to say


oh good what we needed the old trump twitter bluster basically threatening to nuke iran

I don’t know about meat but if you hit something that big I think you at least verify what it was. Not that he wouldn’t lie but there would be witnesses if he was drinking.

Yep. I haven’t hit a deer yet. Fortunately. But if I do, I’m probably going to be really shook. And I’m certainly going to know it was a deer. Not going to find out the next day it was a person.

Could have had his not wife in the car.


Recently figured out a FB friend is a deplorable. He barely posts, so he’s never posted any stupid bullshit. He’s replied positively to posts by Ben Shapiro and Dana Perrino recently, though.

Guess I should’ve figured. He was an executive at a major consumer products company and retired in his 40’s. Owns a stake in a restaurant for shits and giggles. And on the set of Stranger Things, he got his prop gun taken away from him because he wouldn’t handle it safely, even after warnings from both us extras and crew members.


When it’s “all done” we will be on “trial.”
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