The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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No. I’m striving to have empathy for those that voted for Trump, or Brexit, or Bolsanaro, or etc. If we truly want to sway people away from Trump(and his ilk), it may behoove us to understand their perspective and not deny the reality that they inhabit.

We can mock them for being rubes that voted for an obvious conman(I’ve done that myself at times, to their faces and online). If I want to sway people away from Trump, what I won’t do is lie to them as well, and pretend that the other option on the ballot was something other than a proven neo-liberal huckster.

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I didn’t say otherwise. But they didn’t stick it to elites.

There wasn’t an option on the table to do so.

Either pure shamelessness or decent Trump trolling, honestly have no idea which

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Gonna have to lie to them and tell them that the liberals are secretly racist.


Skipping breakfast ain’t going to hurt you. Water fasting for a month on the other hand, no bueno.

I’ve been doing 16/8 fasts forever ie skipping breakfast. I don’t think it’s magic or anything, it’s just the easiest way for me to restrict calories

20/4 probably fine too but I get light-headed every time I try it

That psycho that runs the water fasting retreats with zero medical staff on site should be in prison. LOL Florida


I agree that there was no option on the table that was a true “stick it to the elites”. Obviously we are talking about the candidates of the two factions of the Business Party.

What I beleive Blyth was getting at in his comments, was about the feeling that drew (some but not all, and of those just in part but not entirely) to choose a conman who told them the lies they liked to hear vs the con woman who told them lies that they didn’t like as much.

Inside us all is the RATM “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” ethos.
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The article is not nearly as optimistic as the headline. It quotes a bunch of very weak and vague 'maybe’s from the people necessary to kill it. It’s a thinly-veiled plea by the author.
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Always projection, also lol at 4% unemployment
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The form of these tweets is probably familiar to his old mistresses.

loooooooooooooool. Oh man that woke me up.

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That is what he meant when he said he assumed some are good people.
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