The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Just having a laff m8. Whenever someone says don’t worry, this person will not make the worst possible decision in the hypothetical situation…

But yes that is the humorous implication. I can only hope that as usual, me explaining the joke has only made it funnier!

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I was saying he would make the worst possible decision, hence my confusion.

Oh right! I’m saying he will intervene…for Trump.

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Ohh, even worse lol… I don’t think that’ll be necessary, I think Barr’s Brownshirts will have it under control.

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I think that can be part of it. There’s also the aspect that your “parents” are telling you that you can’t vote for a monster like Trump, you need to vote for HRC or Biden, you know, the people that were/are part of orchestrating the neo-liberal agenda that brought us to the present condition. We may feel that Trump supporters are marks because they believe his lies, but they aren’t being presented with non-liars as alternatives. So, if the system gives you two liars as options, well then, choose the option that’s the bigger fuck you to the system.

Mark Blyth, a professor of political economy at Brown University, put it this way in 2016 one week after Trump’s election:

"There was a moment when people started to figure out that for the past 30 years going from 1985 until now, huge amounts of money have been generated in the global economy. This we know from the work of Thomas Picketty and others. Most of it has gone up to a tiny fraction of the population. So, there’s been a huge amount of growth, but hardly anyone has benefited.

You don’t have to go far to see this. Get off the East side, go to the west side of Providence. Go to northwest Providence and walk into neighborhoods that have check cashing agencies, fried chicken joints, pawn shops, broken down fix-your-mobile and networks you’ve never heard of stores. That’s the reality for people. Not just here but in many, many countries. So, they’re a bit fed up with this. They’ve decided that at any possible opportunity, whether it’s Brexit, the Italian Constitutional referendum or anything, to basically give their elites notice–that we’ve had enough of this. That’s what this is."

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Nothing like sticking it to the elites by electing a right-wing billionaire who will give them more and more tax cuts. That’ll teach em!

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I keep thinking about that congressman in Virginia who got busted paying people $50 per ballot and filling them out for himself. His son testified against him in court, I forget the name but he was a republican ofc

I’m sure others have/are doing it not as sloppily

fascist flight


Yeah, they should have totally gone with the candidate who was being paid 6 figures to give speeches to Goldman Sachs, the wife of the guy that brought us NAFTA, gutted welfare, signed a horrific crime bill, and got rid of Glass-Steagal.

I agree that Trump is a liar and horrible, but that doesn’t automatically make his opponent someone who should be trusted to actually look out for the interests of everyday people.

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I gotta say, Donny, you’re pretty out of your element on most subjects. But I feel like you’re kinda uniquely qualified to recognize SCAMS, so maybe you’re onto something here.

hey, that was a fun fact


Luckily I have low standards for fun.


Lol are you really whatabouting Clinton’s paid speeches and NAFTA? Lol.
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