The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

some Pulitzer Prizes are actually deserved. Capehart is one of those.


Is that even possible to go to your local poll and ask if they’ve counted your ballot? Would they know? I can do the entire thing online in California. Isn’t he only hurting himself by confusing the shit out of his supporters. Yes vote from home and then go to the polls and cause havoc so the lines are longer for all the republicans planning on voting in person great strategy.

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The havoc would be part of the plan. Cause havoc-> havoc → scream havoc!-> claim Ds caused havoc-> rigged!

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From personal experience, this is true. The real benefit for me is that it changed my relationship with food. I don’t experience hunger the same way. It’s not an emergency if I haven’t eaten in a while and it it also changes how much I eat to feel satisfied.


Doesn’t matter. Once they’re destroyed they’re gone, we can’t count them. There aren’t any do overs. The ruling that they weren’t allowed to do that won’t matter, the only recourse would be impeachment and removal (LOL).

No, it’s a freeroll. Maybe his voters get two votes, maybe it causes chaos that favors him, maybe it slows down the counting of mail-in ballots which favors him.


So you basically grow accustomed to feeling hungry?

In case of a lot of havoc and a subsequent illegitimate loss for Biden, the Dems should fight to not have the election certified.

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Game over Then, Shut the forum down

What does feeling hungry feel like to you? I don’t feel any significant discomfort. No hunger pangs. No great emptiness. Maybe some slight weakness or lightheaded after a while. If I have something light and drink water or coffee, I feel fine. There’s no rush to eat. I don’t need a big meal.


Hunger pangs, general irritability, eventually weakness/fatigue. Maybe I should try it then.

Certainly there will be hell to pay. Of the possible outcomes, most seem like either immediate or eventual game over for democracy in the US.

The North Carolina voting tweet is hidden:



Oh yeah. Forgot about that, ha. A possible benefit of living alone! I’m not saying it’s easy, especially at first, but the difficulty is more mental than physical. I’d never fasted before doing a ten day fast at the beginning of the year (to impress a woman, lol). The first day was pretty bad but it got easier after that, at least til the last couple of days. I don’t recommend that, at all. Maybe try one meal a day or a 24-hr fast at first.

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It’s really great that instead of giving the tweet less coverage, it gets more.

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I think it’s a net positive, plus also hilarious because you know he has to be raging about it.

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Yes Blake. He’s been accused of sexual assault by his ex girlfriend I think?



You’re suggesting the narrator will say he did intervene?