The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I was joking about iiwii. Of course you deserve a great partner! I have no idea how people ever get together but they do, so hang in there.


Don’t forget the widows.


Just have more than one partner like me. No marriage needed.


Libs seem so in denial of the lengths Republicans are going to undertake to maintain power.

Like, remember the 2000 election? That shit was when the two parties still ostensibly were bound by decorum and honor.

Add in two decades of those norms getting steadily degraded, AND a party run by someone who vocally dismisses the importance of rules and democracy, who gets 90% of his support from people who are brainwashed into thinking the opposition will eat their babies, and what else should we expect?

Florida 2000 levels of fuckery are a complete pipe dream. That’s already happening. What we’re going to see before this is over will be orders of magnitude worse.



have lost over 20 lbs from intermittent fasting since corona started.

on that one netflix health documentary series it says it can be bad for your health long-term though. But it’s great for losing a lot of weight in a few months time.


A man who sexually assaulted a woman? Who is this referring to? Blake?

yea i went and looked it up yesterday and i guess police are saying that part of the complaint against him was that he came over and sexually assaulted his ex gf before all of this took place, who knows, even if he did it doesnt mean he deserved to die obv. I saw a variation of this on facebook from a saints fan saying that they wouldn’t have anything to do with the saints anymore because they were making Blake out to be a hero lol.

When I looked into it, I found that the results didn’t seem to be any better than regular dieting at the same calorie levels - it might make it easier to reduce calorie intake, I guess. Or perhaps more accurately if you’re able to follow it, you’ll be reducing calories.

Sorry to hear that about your roll. Online not working out well so far?

Yeah my hours weren’t super high, but I played prime time hours on weekends and thus my off days were like Mon-Wed usually, so it was mostly online dating and trying to meet women that way who didn’t mind my schedule.

Yeah I waited until I was making more and had banked some and had started to spend more on entertainment late in 2019. A few months later… Bad timing.

Why the fuck would you send your vote by mail just to show up when the polls open, wait in line and ask if they counted it?


I sent my center-right NeverTrump father the Stone thing and he thought it was funny. He says that could never happen here. He says if Biden wins, he can’t see Trump doing anything other than conceding and turning over power. He says if he tried to stay in office, “The military and the FBI would never allow it.”

I told him the FBI reports to Barr, and Milley is already on the record that they won’t intervene in a disputed election. Silence. He still just doesn’t see it happening here.

The last few years has been people assuring us Trump wouldn’t do things and if he did people will stop him and then him doing those things. It’s insane.


Yeah online has been basically break even the last two months, but honestly I’m also not putting the effort I should be. Too much going on int my life tbh. So yeah I’ve been dipping into the roll for life expenses. Way smaller than yours but still 9+ months of this is gonna be tough. I’m going to take a crack at learning to program

On one hand it would have been nice to have been way more disciplined and made way more money, on the other hand I have some amazing memories I will smile about for the rest of my life.


And they never learn. They have so much faith in our institutions despite it all.

Anything you can do to bring money in slows the bleeding at least. I haven’t put in as much study time as I should online, I need to rectify that after the move too.

Yeah it’s a balance, I wish I did more fun stuff but on the other hand, prioritizing getting to a higher stake leaves me in a much better spot now to ride this out than I would be. But I could have managed my time better to do more of both.

The inflection point seems to me to be,

Contested election, SC rules for Biden, Trump doesn’t abide by the decision.

This is where the military/cia/fbi/somebody steps in to defend the constitution or not.

Not sure how to explain it atm but it feels like we are in a bad movie where reality changed or something sometimes.


Exactly how I have felt for a while. So many different unreal things happening all the time.


I’m not sure it gets to that point before the moment of truth is upon the military. More like Trump has Barr send in the secret police/ICE/CBP to seize/destroy mail-in ballots. If that’s allowed to happen, Trump wins regardless because they can destroy enough of a sample heavily skewed towards Biden to swing the election in those states.

Pretty sure Milley is on the record that the military will not intervene in a domestic political dispute over voter fraud, so that’s game, set, match.

I would think Trump/Barr destroying ballots would lead to tha contested election scenario, and end up in SC.

Milley wont intervene in contested election, but once the court rules, its not contested anymore.

And once the court rules, Roberts gives Biden oath, Milley takes out the trash.