The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

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Perhaps my Pony is slow, but just grunched 2600 posts shrug. Basically the same password he used from the Linkedin hack and password leak in ~2013.

Ah yes, the classic “Christian. Conservative. Wife. Mother.” Rachael14WordsAdolfHitler. :roll_eyes:


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The president is literally your bog standard deplorable boomer on social media. I think we’ve become numb to just how incredible (bad incredible obv) that actually is.

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Your pony grew into a full grown horse, got a job, made a Linkedin page, and had his password “GoRightToTheSourceAndAskTheHorse” breached.

It’s a shame, because that’s not a bad password.


Having been mostly isolated by myself for six months, but having spent a month or so of it with my then girlfriend here, being alone sucks a lot - now she wasn’t right for me that way, so it is what it is, but going months on end with no human contact at all is brutal, and I’m not even talking about the sex.

It’s harder to distract yourself alone, especially in productive ways. Tuning it out means watching Netflix or something and trying not to pause too many times to check my phone when someone sends me a WAAF text.

I guess being early in a relationship presents its own challenges, but being with the right person at least you can help each other through it and make plans to flee the country or whatever if the shit hits the fan even worse.

Never mind that most of the world seems to be moving on, so the dating pool is shrinking while you’re on the sidelines, unless you’re YOLOing it up in that regard.

Probably most of all I know my friend and his wife are helping one another through their freakouts, days of depression, fear, etc and it’s making a big difference.

Now I’d rather be alone than have the wrong person here, but not a day goes by that I don’t wish I had been lucky enough to find the right person before all this. But, it is what it is.


I do think its worse than that. As terrible as the average boomer is, Trump is that PLUS certifiable narcissistic personality disorder. Its like the difference between someone who has one too many drinks on Friday evening and someone who is drunk by breakfast every day.

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Again something so stupid. Why now? It can only cost votes. They seem so damn sure of the election. Keeps me stressed out.


It’s because they are all very stupid people. They just are not intelligent. This can’t be remembered enough. There is no Machiavelli running things. It’s a personality cult lead by a bottom 15% intellect surrounded by, at best, bottom 30% intellects.


(As the tweeter later corrects to) this is the POW/MIA flag.


Makes sense. The White House prefers losers and suckers who weren’t captured.


Well I guess being in a bad relationship is just as bad as being single? Probably worse. But you’ve been single through the whole covid/tyranny of the police/wildfire/trump turning up the riggage shitshow,

I did hear divorces are WAY up.

But the good thing about relationships is you get to share. Share your pain, you’re feelings, lean on each other, pump each other up, and most importantly sex is awesome and always makes me feel better. plus most of us aren’t really seeing many other human beings right now. Isolation and loneliness is a motherfucker. Like I was having a blast single before all of this, but when you can’t even see your friends or have ANY intimacy it sucks.

That said I did hear divorces are WAY up under the Rona, so yeah a bad relationship is probably the nut low right now…


Yeah there must have been a ton of marriages hanging on by a thread pre covid where being apart for the workday was just enough to keep things going.

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So after BOB suckered you’re ass, you went crying to Big Bad Bill to RELEASE THE REPORT, then poor DURHAMS sidekick resigned, putting a BUMP in the road?

Am I doing this right?

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