The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Whatever happened to the hard drives soaked in bleach? Thats what I wanna know.

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They’ve decomposed by now obviously, so no evidence anymore. I heard they can be recovered if the president drinks bleach himself, closes his eyes, and thinks hard. Might produce some stomach pain but I’ve been assured this will work by a scientist.

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Speaking of Really Sad! “Someone” forged a nomination for Trump for the Nobel Prize… Twice.

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We still have seven weeks left. Then the inevitable week of mental health Armageddon after Trump declares victory and the votes are (hopefully) counted. I’m already a mental wreck…this is going to be awful.


Yoga and meditate with me bruh.

Being single makes all this much worse.




Right there with you.

I concur.

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2021 is going to be a total shit show no matter what happens, so there’s no need to get overly worked up this soon.

ok now this is some good news at least something to hope for

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Whats the opposite of the Michelle Scott ‘Please God no’?

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Ah, yes, the uplifting outlooks that keep us coming back. The ole, “You think 2020 is bad? Ha!”

Meg Ryan When Harry Met Sally fake orgasm scene?


What are the odds that’s not your semen on that dress when you won’t give a DNA sample?

At the risk of hopelessly derailing this thread, please show your work?

I was in a relationship with a lefty until this past January and now I’m single and, much like Jason Patric’s and Jami Gertz’s characters in “Lost Boys” after they killed Kiefer Sutherland’s character, literally nothing has changed for me. I still carry the same lump of granite in my belly 24/7. If anything it’s better, because I don’t have her freaking out in my ear all the goddamned time and I can at least internalize some of it.