The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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He‘s not done yet, but for those who have skipped a few episodes:

Previously on Trump tweets:
Democratic governors: bad
the media: stupid „Trump“-hating losers
Obama: got lucky
Democrats in general: superbad
Kin Jong Un: dangerous but kinda cool

lol at the headline.


I’ve speculated for a while now that the people around Trump understand he only wants to hear things that align with his preconceptions, so they just constantly feed him bullshit to keep him happy. People around Trump have little incentive to tell him the truth, anyway, because he doesn’t read anything and it’s not like he’s doing any legwork of his own to verify information other than listening to his TEEvee shows. So I have little doubt the military people know this, and either take precautions when sharing sensitive info or just exploit it in the way that you’re describing.

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Fox and Friends must have run a segment on schools still getting money while they’re closed and talked to some charter school grifter who wanted the money or something.


More and more often I look at Trump nonsense and just can’t be bothered any more. My brain is mush from this crap. I just want it to stop.


Running remote learning is completely cost free I assume, why should these schools be getting any funding? HURR DURR

I am astounded these idiots are able to make it through life without sustaining serious bodily injuries on a daily basis. Most of them should be wearing helmets for the most remedial tasks, they couldn’t afford another blow to the head.


You laugh but somewhere at Zoom is a libertarian leaning VP who is on a trajectory to become Secretary of Education in some future Republican administration.

lol good one thinking there’ll be a department of education in ivanka’s administration.


I haven’t read a Trump tweet in weeks. It has made a difference. Unquestionably the right move.


He’s pretty much a poo flinging monkey at this point. Any one of those tweets would be a top 5 Obama scandal.

Melania as Maria Magdalene is somewhat accurate I guess

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Ever heard of a little thing called the “ADA”?

Great. Russia and China won’t find that the least bit alarming. Neither will all of Europe, or the rest of the world, for that matter.

I am just going to assume that is the edited version and the first draft used the n-word instead of “Friendly Protestors”.


The first draft said Friendly Protestors. Trump insisted that be changed to the N-word, and he is currently raging at the intern who “accidentally” hit post without making that change.


Lol “it was so serious he went to pray” get the fuck out of here


The truly scary thing is this is considered action among so many people.