The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

me, walking into my house and it’s 60 degrees F: that’s not ideal to me.

me, walking into my house and it’s 40 degrees F: that’s bad.

me, putting on my sweater and blanket and sitting in my 40 degree house hoping the furnace fixes itself on its own: this is fine.




Wait, so he literally just got up there and read a list??? LOL.

i didn’t watch it but yea i think he read the list as part of it at least

This is the daisy ad.

Republicans spent the last 6 months telling us Trump wasn’t downplaying the virus and today they’re like ya we’re glad he did thanks that’s my president.



It’s always incredible how quickly the right gets their marching orders. They’re all immediately spouting how great it is that trump wanted to avoid widespread panic.


welp there is no way around this republicans will see this story and be forced to confront the truths about coronavirus and will start to take this seriously now that they hear president trumps own somber words hahahahahaha


I think it has a lot to do with shame and our ridiculous compulsion as a society to resist it at all costs.

That is Trump’s cheat code. He neither feels nor EVOKES shame. His supporters are so unshakeable precisely because with Trump they finally can support a politician without having to feel ashamed of who they are. Was Nixon a sociopath? I don’t know, but watching his responses to Watergate makes me feel shame as though I were feeling it with him. I get nothing like that from Trump. He is shameless, and so he attracts both those without shame and those who resist it at all costs.

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It’s a fundamental part of human nature and necessary for the existence of society.

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Agreed. I am in the Brene Brown camp.

Guilt: I made a mistake
Shame: I am a mistake

Now obviously with those distinctions, shame is crippling and destructive. But the way you attend to that is by finding healthy ways to identify and process shame, not by denying it exists. Or, in other cases, weaponizing it as a tool for manipulation.

Here’s Donald Trump’s downplaying of COVID-19 to the American people in ten seconds.

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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: “This is deadly stuff.”


I’m not sure where the line is but it’s useful and necessary for control. Yes it can be abused. It’s bound to be.

Eta I don’t know Brown. I got what understanding I have on the topic from that Will Storr book we discussed a while back.

This is the craziest part imo
( twitter | raw text )

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