The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Lou Dobbs’ brain is just pudding at this point. Or he’s a zombie.

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I watched the video, but…Onion?
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I don’t recall the particulars, so I hope you will be generous enough to help me with my understanding if I miss something here. As I understand Storr’s position, I think he got it quite wrong. What he describes as a toxic abundance of self-esteem is not at all self-esteem. He is describing toxic positivity–vanity, as the One True Devil called it–which is just as destructive as denying shame exists or using it as a weapon. Attacking shame with relentless positivity prevents a person from identifying and processing what they’re feeling. Even a great experience can be difficult to process.

I am not as familiar though with Storr as you, so tyia for any clarification if I’ve missed your point.

Where do you see justified uses in invoking shame to control people? Are there situations where you see shame is being used as a tool where instead encouraging a person’s well-being could be equally or more effective? Of course I confess I am using the Chris Wallace technique of embedding my premises inside my question, but hopefully you can’t tell which ones :eyes:

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Trump may have fully transformed into the Archer meme watching that clip

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I love how Trump thinks he still needs to fight to the death in the last battle that no one is even thinking about anymore.


“Today we saw an article saying I am doing well with Latinos in Florida and I need to build on that so here’s some stuff Melanie googled for me about Roberto Clemente.”


Is this

A) Onion
B) a quote from Woodward’s book
C) both

I was replying to Trump’s Roberto Clemente tweet but for whatever reason the forum software decided not to indicate such
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I got that part. I was making a joke of my own that sadly did not land.

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The silent majority have




When the drug companies told Trump they wouldn’t play along with a bullshit vaccine announcement, they signaled that:

  • They didn’t think he could deliver the liability immunity they would need to make that happen
  • They don’t think Trumpy judges will bail them out when they get sued for a bad vaccine
  • They aren’t afraid of retaliation from Trump
  • It’s the right thing to do
  • They won’t be used for Trump’s reelection.

So there is one conservative leaning institution that Trump hasn’t corrupted.