The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I will admit I’m legit shocked at that Biden/Trump result, though. It’s not entirely out of the question, the 50th did vote Obama in 2008.

Look at the deficit differences election over election. There is obviously momentum there. The race there in 2020 is going to be MUCH closer than say CA-4 which has a very similar margin of victory in 2018 but has held that same margin for the last two decades. McClintock will win 54% of the vote just like he has every election regardless of who his opponent is, this one wont be like that

One other thing of note: Ammar deliberately does interviews on Fox and KUSI (indie conservative station) for the most part, because he knows his constiuency.

I wonder if this happens nationwide. I’m a total city person and I’m moving to the burbs and changing my registration. I’ll be going from probably a D+20 to a D+10 district, but maybe a third of the houses I looked at were in an R+1 district.

Could be some blueing of suburban districts due to the pandemic.

Not just the pandemic. I know in San Diego, housing prices have a big effect on this as well. If you’re a young couple starting a family and you can afford $450k…you can find a place to buy in the 50th. You’re living in a shanty in the East Village for that if you want to stay in the city. Obviously rents out here are lower, too…and there’s more space. You can actually rent houses with yards!


Obviously this means absolutely nothing, but I am actually feeling MORE confident this year than I did in 2018 for Ammar. I remember thinking how happy I would be if he got within 5% of Hunter last time. I was right, and he did.

This time, I really do think he has a shot.


You know it!


I wish most of the things Trump says about the Dem’s were true.


Also giving a long look at moving to the burbs!

I thought you’re East Bay. You’re already in the burbs.

South. It’s burbular, but I’m surrounded by trailer parks.
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“look ma, the computer people all have masks on!”

barring some kind of massive decades-long disinformation campaign, of course
( twitter | raw text )

everything is open here in IL right now (on a plus note–the gym has a note that basically says lol you if you wear a mask)


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