The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Wtf. Where is some serious Justice weekend at Bernie shit. I mean how hard it is to fake on zoom or be in a coma the next 4 months. Jfc.


If Grassley is on the record about opposing a nominee until after the inauguration, I might come back from the ledge, but that tweet is all I’ve seen.

He’s on record saying that prior to her passing.

Now that she’s gone will he keep to his word?

I wouldn’t bet money on it.

FFS, Lindsay is on record saying he wouldn’t even bring it out of Judiciary if it happened after the primary process had begun.

I actually was about to pour a drink, saw the news, and put the beer back in the fridge. I don’t drink when I feel bad, waaaaay to much alcoholism in my family.


I’m gonna go on a limb here and say I’m pretty certain Romney would not vote for a replacement because he wants his McCain moment badly.

I guess Murkowski possible.

Who else have above 0%? Grassley seems unlikely without further proof.

Anything said prior to her death is completely meaningless.

No doubt. I called it.

I mean shit they could have the guy who played Gollum hollow out her body and wear it.

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Can I PM you my address so you can send me whatever drugs you’re on?


I believe Murkowski and Romney. Having a hard time believing anyone else.


Can’t be an alcoholic when the world ends.

Yeah so that is meaningless then. He was just trying to sound good when he didn’t think it would actually come up.

Yeah apologies in advance to whoever I tell to fuck off tonight

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This playing live on my stream right now from a show. This video included some great guillotine graffiti. Billy is as woke as Sturgill and other country artists mentioned earlier here or somewhere on this forum.

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You lucky bastard. I need to start one sooner or later. Probably later now.

wat. I did 45 days off a few years ago for reasons and everyone was like “do you feel better?” and “don’t you feel so much better?!” No. I wouldn’t smoke if that was the case. After the withdrawals wore off I just felt not high. Would have much rather been high.


No it’s replace her right away and use the supreme court to install Trump as dictator. Just rule they have to stop counting mail in ballots a day after the elections

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I can buy the concerns that Barr will order ballots destroyed and then there will be nothing to do about it, but that was already a worry before today. I do not agree that your scenario of the Supreme Court stopping the vote counting is likely however. I know, I know, lol lawbro and all, but I just don’t see that.

This was true of justices throughout history, most likely.

Lol lawbro

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Can we go back to Wednesday?


He sounds legitimately surprised to be sad. Like it’s something he’d never actually felt before and he’s wondering what it is.