The Pets of Unstuck

Is there something he can get into outside that is causing it? Even a neighbor throwing scraps outside (we live in the country so that is probably more common where I live)

Does your dog start whining before the diarrhea happens? I know my dog has a lot of whining stages to go outside before he does diarrhea.

Oh yeah totally possible, maybe not scraps but he’ll eat anything. I’m not sure that squares with there being a day and night pause between incidents though.

For the first incident he did briefly. I didn’t hear him do so last night, but that may be what actually woke me up before I heard the…expulsion.

My other dog has a vet appt today to get her mouth looked at. Her breath is the worst thing I’ve ever smelled, there has to be a dental problem in there. I’m going to ask the vet to see them both, and if they won’t do that I’ma swap in dog B.

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How old is your dog? We had that with ours as a puppy, once a week or so for a couple months, with no identifiable cause. It stopped as she got older, but later she was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer and we’re wondering if that had something to do with it.

lol Dog A just had diarrhea and threw up (if you’re keeping score, that’s now both dogs), so I now believe they either have a stomach bug or there’s something wrong with the new treat bag

Wife is about to head to the airport and be gone for five days, good times over here in the House of LFS.

My wife left for Paris with her mother and grandmother for 8 days when my dog was 4 months old, he got diarrhea two days later. I walked him a full two hours after feeding him breakfast to get all the diarrhea out and then when I got home from work 10 hours later immediately took him out again so he could assplode the diarrhea he had been holding in all day. He did this for 3 days, but the 4th day when I returned home there was a ton of diarrhea all over his dog bed, crate and throughout his pen. I didn’t go to work on Friday as I didn’t want to clean it up again for another 3 hours.


Brutal. I went through this 12 months ago with both of our dogs - all of the symptoms you’re describing, and it progressed to blood in the stool and pain when going to the bathroom (making discomfort noises). It was actually kinda scary.

We ended up taking them both to the animal hospital at like 2am because they were both pacing around the house with nausea. Finally figured out that they had gotten into the grease trap of my pellet smoker in the backyard. I felt awful that it was due to my negligence.

Anyway, if you need a rec for a 24 hour animal hospital, Access animal hospital in Pas took great care of them. Cost us a goddamn fortune, but they were in great hands.


Thanks. Those emergency vets are pricey indeed.

Was able to get them both seen by the regular vet in Glendale this AM. She wasn’t super concerned. I have multiple medications/supplements I’m supposed to give each of them multiple times per day. They are not cooperative with such things. So it’ll be a fun few days. I also have to cook them chicken and rice. They’re lucky they’re cute.

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We give our dogs Proviable probiotics. Seems to help. Little dogs have fairly flaky stomachs. Much less incidence since we added that to the routine a few years ago.


Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. Nope.


Yeah that was my first thought as well. My wife insisted we watch it.

Got mighty dusty in casa de Canada

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No way. I mute the ads and look away while watching Star Trek.


RIP little dude

Yeah Jon Stewarts segment completely wrecked me knowing this day was right around the corner (I was watching live so had no idea the segment was coming). The line that hit me the hardest was “He was ready. He was tired, but I wasn’t.”

Man I feel that hard


Six months ago we were Leo’s 3rd and probably final chance at a forever home.

How it’s going


We aren’t long to wait around. Typically always had two dogs, but Jack had small dog syndrome. He was the sweetest dog when it came to humans, but picked fights he never should have when it came to other dogs.


Skylar really only seemed anxious for the first 2 hours. The rest was trying to learn to fit in. She looks to be a great girl.


Sigh. So at the ER vet for Leo. We’ve had him 6 months and our vet wanted to started getting him off the trazadone he was on at the rescue kennel.

We were down to 1/2 and he was acting super weird today. Stiff, lethargic, dull eyes, sensitive to touch.

We bumped him back up tonight but was still acting weird. They are going to check to see if he has some other injury we are unaware of as well (something unrelated to the med change).

Perked up on the ride here. Hopefully this is a big nothing burger. We’ve fallen super hard for him.


Herniated disc/pinched nerve. Not related to the trazadone, though the extra 25 mg probably made him feel a bit better

Pain meds and steroids for a week along with limited activity then recheck. Should resolve.

He did get out of our room last night. Perhaps moving the gate or something else he did during the night set it off. He was fine 24 hours ago

Got out of the ER vet for close to the minimum ($300 and 2 hours).

Now we are going to cuddle and watch Shogun.


Great news

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