love this cat to death but man i am out of ideas how to deal with overwhelmingly clingy behavior, it’s the reason i’m doing my 2nd night without sleep now
she’s really communicative, which is nice sometimes. she has different meows for different things, I know her water bowl meow, food meow, litter meow, “there’s another cat outside and it’s annoying me” meow, etc.
typically throughout a normal day she’ll come to check on me about once every 30mins to 1 hour. this involves her really aggressively climbing on me, licking me, meowing, and if i dont reciprocate she will start gently pawing at my face and mouth. it’s mostly all affection behavior, which is cute, but my god not at 3:30am. i cant lock her out of my room, she has a complete meltdown. in the old days I’d just let her out when she’d get like this but it’s not an option.
when she’s not near me she likes to lay on my dirty clothes pile. just crazy clingy. been trying to run her around with a laser when she gets like this but it isn’t tiring her out at all. she’s fuckin 12 and has the energy of a much younger cat. i really want her to enter old age phase where they sleep like 22 hours a day, meh.
Our lunatic pandemic dog is now on Prozac and it’s helping a ton, I know they give it to cats too. It feels lazy but he was so nuts he wasn’t really trainable. He’s definitely happier now.
The only solution is play, go buy various toys and see what she likes imo. The other thing you could try is walking on a leash around your place but ~half of all cats will hate it. My 2 guys both loved it and it tired them out/fulfilled them a ton.
me and stella are in a battle of wills.
before my latest surgery, i got her an auto feeder and water fountain. she’s refused both. her latest ridiculous thing, which I’ve been testing, is she will refuse food unless it is placed in her favorite bowl. i’ve tested this by putting food directly next to it, and she wont touch it. I’m done with this shit though.
Classic blunder. Never get involved in a bowl war with a cat.
I would say never get involved with a cat, period.
Omg. We had a cat that would only drink fresh water from the fridge dispenser.
She would stand next to it and meow.
I’m out of the pet business for now. I will just vicariously enjoy other people’s pets and be happy I don’t have to deal with the mess and anxiety and heartbreak. Maybe in time I will get sucked back in, who knows.
yea she almost fucking died I think because after I got laid up after surgery I couldn’t move around for a few days, she was whiny but she’s always whiny, then after a day i noticed her panting and i was like wtf you dumbass cat are you seriously gonna kill yourself because you dont like the fountain?
update: have fixed this a bit by establishing some routines at set times with her, she left me alone all night last night and didnt come for food until 9am, which is exactly when I’ve been feeding. now she’s napping. excellent! play time is around dusk, then i feed one more time before bed. been working well
Routine is a rrally great way to train a cat. Its difficult at first aa thet adjust, and daylight savings time fucks everything up, but it really works.
it’s helping me as well, as I have severe ADHD, establishing routines is extremely difficult for me. She’s been a perfect therapy cat, I’ll be really broken up when she passes. I get twinges of pre-grief every time she shows her age, which isn’t often but it does happen. i can tell her vision is going a bit.
My little man, 2 years ago
Our (my) dog Roxie goes with me pretty much everywhere. Our (my wife’s) crazy pandemic dog James has been following us around more and more - not sure if he’s trying to emulate Roxie, or is bonding more with me. Anyway, this is him after Roxie and I left for work - volume up and listen at the end.
We referred to the fall back as the worst day of our dogs life (and ours). He had a very accurate clock (he would wake up at 9pm within 1-2 minutes for his medicine in a pill pocket.
My wife used a strategy of shifting him 15 minutes a day over four days.
RIP, dogfather
ive successfully weaponized my annoying personality on stella. when she comes for cuddle time i wasnt ready for i just lean into it and smother her with love now, til she goes “ok stop jfc” and cuddles at my feet or the other room.
I feed my dog randomly at different times and always have. Daylight Savings is no issue
Gf’s mom/sister’s dog passed away this morning. Went to the vet yesterday afternoon due to dehydration and lethargy, diagnosed with Addison’s, died 12 hours or so later. We hadn’t heard of Addison’s but it sounds rough and now has us worried about every potential symptom we see in our dog
Edit: the dog was only about 2.5 years old too, really sad