The Pets of Unstuck

A puppy did that?

( and I don’t just mean like a little baby, usually dogs are not that aggressive until they get a little older at least like 3 years old.)

About 1.5 I think. As previously discussed Dachshunds can be dicks.

My daughter is almost 8 months pregnant. The dog apparently has become protective. She was very sweet when I visited last fall.

Either that or she is like my Poppy. Nobody sniffs Poppy’s face. She just growls at Jake but she’s snapped at other dogs. We are very careful with meet and greets.

Here is our killer, Vin



Holy shit

I basically never let our dog meet and greet other dogs. Not worth the trouble. She’s good with people*, and she’s never bitten a dog, but there’s no upside for me. I know her well enough to know that she will not roll over and turn tail from any dog smaller than her and the last thing I want is some angry chihuahua testing her.

*she barks and puts on a little show at strangers, but she’s won over quickly enough and I’m sure she won’t bit a person.

My Aussie and previous dog met 100s of dogs and played with neighbor dogs every day or like now basically lives with them. Socializing is key.

Not saying you should let your dog run rampant.

I guess it would be nice, but I almost could not care less whether or not our dog has these short-term dog park friendships.

She’s good camping, where I do let her run wild. She doesn’t go far and will come back when called essentially no matter what.

They met outside but I guess with all the snow they had a small spot on the porch. My understanding is to go for a parallel walk works best.

I think Zoey was unprepared. She goes to the dog park and has never had a problem. Vin did great with Ollie but it was Ollies yard and the had lots of room in the summer.

My daughter is pretty much a shut in while pregnant. My son quarantine for a few days before driving 6 hours to visit.

A few minutes socializing is better than them getting loose and attacking a lap dog or kid. It’s like keeping a kid in the basement and expecting him to behave in public imo

Are we … are we not supposed to do that?

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Petite 22 lb lady @ 12 weeks


Gonna be huuuge. Awesome looking coat.

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No matter what you do for training dogs will sometimes be aggressive. They are animals after all. That said, you can’t have your dog spend too much time around other dogs when young. Socializing helps them learn to read dog language.

Ivy and Keanu are becoming more comfortable I removed most of the hiding places so they can see me while I’m in the room. I go up and hang out a couple of times a day. They pretty much just sit there and stare at me, but I’ve been able to approach them.

They even tolerate a little petting.


Is that… old for a spider?

I honestly have no idea

Sometimes I wish they would have just treated Jake with the steroids without the $2500 in diagnostic tests but medically it was the right course of action since there were some pretty bad conditions on the list to rule out.

Always tough with a pet. Enjoy your time.


I use to say people who spend all this money on their dogs were nuts. Then I got my dog and I am legitimately not sure I wouldn’t lose my house to try and save him!

So sorry to hear about your pup! I can’t imagine how hard that is, especially right now.


I have insurance on both of our dogs through Nationwide. It is neither extremely cheap nor extremely expensive. I’ve never had to use it.

Yep I have paid $50/month for 7 years now and never used mine either!

Is it just emergency insurance ? Definitely going to be looking into that.

I completely agree. Dogs have been with us since the very beginning.

I absolutely would wreck my car in a ditch before hitting any dog.

There’s a conversation to be had here involving money and ethics. Seems like a number could be surmised for a good amount to have before you get a dog.