The Oscars and Emmys and Golden Globe discussion thread

They didnt recap the nominees?

I mean I can’t in a million years imagine that was a “they” decision.

LOL at having Anatomy of a Fall dog peeing on Matt Damon’s star

Anyway, this was 99th percentile Kimmel performance and the Academy did a good job with its selections, the I’m Just Ken performance was quite good (so was the tribal performance for the KOTFM song), all around one of the better Oscars shows I’ve seen.

(The Robert Downey Jr. speech was the only underperformance IMO, but whatever, not against that result.)

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Pacino’s premature ejaculation of the winner announcement thankfully didn’t damage the show too much since the winner was a near-lock. I can’t imagine how much worse that botch would feel if he had been botching the announcement of a historic upset.

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Think Gladstone was robbed.

KOTFM was better than Oppenheimer but once the former kind of bombed and the latter made a billion thats how it was always going to go.

Not really following the Oscars at all, but I came across this tonight, and I thought it was way off base. At the very least, the character of the leading actor is literally the title of the film, and thus almost by definition every other character is in support. But then as a support, RDJ was fantastic both as an actor and as a written character. I am a physics major in undergrad, and I would consider myself an atomic bomb enthusiast but not necessarily an expert. I know the answer to fairly significant questions not addressed by the movie like “Why did they design and build two different atomic bombs but only test one?” and “How the hell did Feynmann convince himself that watching the Trinity test through plain old glass was a good idea?” I also knew going into the movie that Oppenheimer’s obstinate opposition to rigid security in favor of scientific collaboration was a major reason why the Soviet spy was able to deliver them a bomb. But what I didn’t know, and what I hadn’t even really thought about going into the movie was, “What the hell happened to Oppenheimer after the bomb?” That question, much more than BOMB GO BOOM!, is why the movie was compelling. If you hadn’t lived that, and if you weren’t a total history dork, and even if you were an atomic bomb dork, you probably had no idea about that conflict afterwards, and wanting to understand where that plotline was going and how it might resolve was done extremely well. Certainly the writing was key to that, but it depended on Iron Man making a subtle and unexpected heel turn that most viewers, certainly not me, didn’t see coming. Seems to me both that RDJ was unambiguously a supporting actor, and that he was no worse than 3rd this year, so the article seems unwarranted.


Oh yeah, I forgot that The Zone of Interest beating Oppenheimer for Best Sound was probably a bigger upset than both in the betting market. Solid result though I thought.

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This is one where the betting market was really bad. ZOI is the most sound forward film ever made.

Yeah agree, it deserved the honor. Seems like this one and Miyazaki being undervalued might reflect an undervaluing of international voters more generally.


Fwiw the full broadcast is now on Hulu

I’m glad I went back to watch this. Lots of great moments. Loved when Arnold and Danny Devito gave villainous glances to Michael Keaton. Then the winner for the award they presented said omg I love Twins so that was a fun reference.

I read an article where people are mad at RDJ for not giving enough attention to Ke Huy Quan while accepting his Oscar? I saw the acceptance and didn’t think it was that blatant a snub?

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That segment was greatly enhanced by Keaton’s reaction.

I feel like I never saw Twins, and instead did myself the disservice of watching Junior first, at which point it was so bad that I just declared myself out on Arnold/Danny as a comedic pair.

Re: RDJ, I didn’t catch that last night, but watching it back…ehh, I can kind of see it. Not a horrible faux pas, but I understand why it might have drawn a cross word or two from viewers. On the brighter side, I had come out of RDJ’s speech last night feeling like he wasn’t particularly gracious (his joke about thanking his horrible childhood to open the speech was funny, but it still ended up giving vibes of him being “on all the time” guy), and it was better on playback than I remember it being. It was still the least endearing of the actor wins for me since I thought that the wins of each of Stone/Randolph/Murphy were particularly enjoyable, but the speech really wasn’t bad or anything.

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Some people want to be mad (or feign rage for clicks) no matter what happens. They couldn’t make it through an episode of Sesame Street without complaining that Elmo doesn’t support Palestine enough or something.

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That’s what I thought!! Well I’m guilty of contributing by giving that website a click for the headline.