The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

And that is why it will be taken down soon

Heā€™s already been successful at the NFL level. He played a lot of years as well. He knows the pro game. His brother is highly regarded.

Heā€™s in the division with Mahomes. He ainā€™t winning shit at San Diego

I donā€™t think anyone is winning games in San Diego.


They are so irrelevant no one cares where they play. Even where they play.

Or what their name is

Packers-Eagles Week 1 in Brazil. Friday game, exclusively on Peacock. Eagles home game.

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Jerry would never give up a home game unless they paid him a bajillion dollars.

with 17 games now its probably not as big a deal bc you still get 8 home games.

how does the NFL decide which teams get 9 home 8 away vs 9 away/8 home? I would assume it rotates every season.

If weā€™re going to do 17 games, it should be 8 home/8 away/1 international neutral.

Should add in another bye week too. Surprised the NFL hasnā€™t done that already. Whatā€™s the downside to a 19 week season?

18 games and two bye weeks is almost certainly coming soonish. They actually tried the two byes for like one year back in the 90s, but that was before the last round of expansion and TV rules were different, so I think people hated it because it was too diluted and there were weeks where the network games were all hideous.

I didnā€™t even realize until midway through the season that they had gone to 17. For anyone with contracts before the change, did the CBA just dictate that everyone receive an extra game check at their usual pay?

Yeah they get their money divided by games in the season.

I am pretty sure this didnā€™t change but they could have kept it to 16 paychecks I guess.

Brain smooth as a babyā€™s bottom.

The SB Nation podcast network (owned by Vox Media), which includes a bunch of different podcasts from Arrowhead Pride that I listened to, just folded. And now all the podcasts are just dead.

I guess I just donā€™t understand podcast economics. I thought the whole point with Podcasts is that they take almost no overhead to create?

Itā€™s not like a network canceled your TV show. Canā€™t they just throw the podcast up on their own? Is it a dirty little secret that podcasts are wildly unprofitable? Are they just loss leaders for some larger company ambition?

Even if itā€™s just a vanity project to get your brand out there and keep from fading into obscurity, isnā€™t it still worth it for these guys to spend a few hours a week putting out a podcast? Are they only doing it if they get paid a salary?

Between this and GMFB deciding to move to LA and go on hiatus before the draft, now Iā€™m wondering what other podcasts/shows I get invested in will just stop abruptly.

It could be licensing issues, they may no longer own the rights to their podcasts. Could be they owe advertisers so much that they would have to pay out of pocket to do another episode. If the podcasts were popular they may find another home or the folks putting them on may start another similar one. Itā€™s probably fairly easy to put out a podcast but difficult to make any money doing itā€¦

Itā€™s weird. There are companies that will sell ads for a cut of the sales, and like you said you just need a microphone and a recording device. But I think a lot of podcasts created a lot of overhead and made it harder to continue with nobody directly funding operations.

I assume some of those will be reborn in some way. I know video podcasts where one guy does it all from hosting to editing to sales and I know of podcasts that have a crew of close to ten people working on them.

Sucks if they lose the feed, the audience being subscribed is of some value versus starting all over.

Wow Bob Kraft is an asshole.

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This era of active players with podcasts is pretty cool:

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Iā€™m curious why all these podcasts, where Iā€™m sure some talk serious strategy, donā€™t run afoul of team rules. Like, if it were me, and I felt like I had more in the arsenal that wasnā€™t being tapped, Iā€™d be using this arena to try to convince my coaches to let me me do more when that most likely wouldnā€™t fly in the meeting rooms. Can it also give opponents a leg up on someone? Definitely agree that it makes it more fun for fans who are into this stuff, but some coaches probably breathe fire over it.