The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

Come on Todd, you get a perfect straight line and you didn’t take it.

“We are simulating the weather by practicing in a temperature controlled airplane hangar”

“Are you telling me the roof fell in Ford Field?”

“My team can handle the cold, we are worried about that bright, Northern sun when fielding punts”

And so on

lol It makes you wonder either how she got a job as an NFL beat reporter or if there are reporters who don’t normally cover football in the room. I rarely watch NFL games outside of Detroit and one of the few things I think I can tell you about every NFL team is which ones play indoors vs outdoors.

A better question would be, “What’s your plan to score more than the 6 points you did in October” or “How are you going to stop them from throwing another one of the greatest blocks ever seen”

DEI strikes again!

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It’s not not DEI.

Yes, any time a woman or brown person does a poor job at something, its obviously DEI.

Strange how we would never claim that a white male ref blowing a call isn’t a product of “ignoring DEI”

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Who is we?

Me and everyone I know, and this entire forum, and your mom all shit on white guys. They’re the easiest target in the circles I travel.

“We” would be anyone who purports that a brown person or woman is terrible at their job and is only in the position because of DEI. I thought I had expresed that pretty well in the last post I made.

Found the problem.

Yes. This is the argument that the crazies make. Maybe you dont. I dont give a shit. When Elon Musk posts that DEI is a danger to our country it is ONLY because he wants to control brown people and women, not because he is actually concerned about qualifications in hiring.

It looks like that reporter was a local news reporter pressed into sports duty.

But nevertheless, DEI!!!

The irony is that Bowles, a Rooney Rule beneficiary, is eminently qualified for his position.

But let’s keep going to bat for this dumbass reporter because the poor thing didn’t know what she was doing. She was pressed into that room, and forced to speak!!

I dgaf (who does?) what Musk, the genius businessman, thinks. He has a company to finish devaluing.

Qualifications for reporting seem to be something the left should care about in the wake of fake news morans.

Yes, it was a reporter that asked a dumbass question. It happens. What EXACTLY does it have to do with her being a woman? Are you saying you’ve never heard a man ask a dumbass question in a sports press conference? Or did you just not fucking care because reasons?

What were this reporter’s qualifications NMW?

Any idea where she went to school? If this is her regular beat? Was she filling in for someone? What is her resume like?

Oh thats right. You don’t fucking know.

Browns already making moves to rev up their offense next season.

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i’ll just assume that’s @CanadaMatt3004


White jimmies being rustled.

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Mike McCarthy back for the boyz. The rest of the league rejoices. Ya think Jeruh would have learned after keeping the Clapper too long.

I can’t find the tweet right now but some national media member (Trey Wingo maybe?) said she was a local reporter filling in for sports.