The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

The rules are simple and I could teach them to my eight-year-old.

It’s also necessary as there may be rare cases where you actually want to kick (weird weather or something), so there needs to be a way to indicate that.

Yeah, the ref could always ask if they are sure and spend 30s clarifying their true intent. But where is the fun in that? I actually want the ref to make them kick and let the other team choose in the second half. Lawnmowers would be orbiting all over the place and I would find it incredibly amusing. We’d also need full audio and video of the toss, call, and subsequent confusion to behold. Would you not be entertained?
”We’ll kick to the clock”

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Why is that stupid? It’s literally what he’s choosing.

When a team defers they are giving the opposing team the right to choose offense of defense, if they choose a side then opposing team chooses the side during the next half. He chose a side.

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Exactly, it’s probably virtually never correct to do, but it’s a thing. IIRC, even then you’d have to specifically say “we want to defend that goal” as your choice, just saying “we want to kick off” would still let the other team both choose their end and get possession to start the 2nd half.

Yeah, its almost as if he has no idea about CFB OT rules and think the rules are the same as in thr NFL.

I haven’t played Madden in a while and didnt think there was any option you could choose at KO that didn’t result in the team kicking off first getting the ball after half time. Weird.

For some reason madden has always had it wrong. It always said kick or receive even pre 2008 when kicking meant giving the other team the ball twice. Nfl changed rule in 2008 to add a defer option.

Rough stretch, folks are understandably piling dirt on KC, but they may be facing Gardner Minshew, Insert Pittsburgh QB Here, or Joe Flacco in the first round.

Even if it’s the Bills, KC barely lost to them a couple weeks ago. Then they can definitely beat the Dolphins in round 2.

Very good defense, and they’ll have the best QB in any game they play in. Always have a shot that way.

NFL Coinflips
  • The NFL coinflip rules are clear and obvious and I understand them perfectly.
  • I have been watching NFL games for years and I still don’t completely get the coinflip rules.
  • I don’t care.
0 voters

I never pay attention to coinflips and have no idea what the rules are. Most of my viewing is Redzone now.

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D) I understand the coin flip rules but think they are dumb and unnecessarily complex


Maybe you should try teaching it to the refs instead.

Crazy idea but you could indicate it by saying “kick” and not having that be a pedantic, strictly-dominated negative free roll. It should never be possible to kick twice or receive twice.

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Al Michaels just has all the excitement of a bowl of pudding.

Getting Madden and Summerall vibes towards the end of their run.

Fuck this red circle bullshit. This isn’t madden I don’t need to have you make me stare at some dumb linebacker dropping into zone.

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For those who understand coin toss rules perfectly, does the team that chooses receive in the first half get to pick the side in 2nd half? I thought I noticed teams always defend one half of the field in the 1st and 4th quarters and the other in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

I guess defending first is better from a rest period as you get your defense to spread out its work a little more, but if it is windy then having the wind at your back in the 4th quarter with 4th quarter timing rules would be the most important. The only way to assure this would be to choose to receive in the 1st half so you get to pick the side in the 2nd half after they choose to get the ball to start the 3rd quarter.

Not necessarily. Team #1 can choose not to defer and then pick receive. Team #2 then picks which endzone to defend. In the second half, Team #2 gets to make their decision first, and they could again decide which goal to defend. In that case Team#1 gets to choose whether to kick or receive (presumably they will choose receive).

This would pretty much never happen, but it’s theoretically possible. As a practical matter, things generally play out as you describe.

It seems like the problem there was more a hearing/communication problem than a rules interpretation problem. The whole thing became an issue because he didn’t hear Dak say defer when he did.

I don’t see why not. If there is some factor that makes which end to defend very important for a portion of the game and changes during the game (e.g sun, wind), then I think it is fine if it works out that way.

It’s simple.

Start of game: Either receive or defer. There is no other option. Say one of those two words.

Pro overtime receive.