The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

It’s just a forward pass that can’t be caught by a lineman (although if it’s deflected by defense or an eligible receiver they’re free to catch those too). Hell, you could even hand off to a lineman if you could make that work somehow.

Well, like, yeah. But I’m saying even an OL actually lined up in his regular spot can run the ball, like you could hand right back off to the center if you wanted to (note: you would not want to).

How dare you.

This video also features #38 Sergio Brown who is missing, his mother was found murdered. He was part of the same rookie class as Aaron Hernandez.

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Fumblerooski. I’m sure there is a version where the QB just puts the ball back in the centers hand, then he stays hunched over and they let the d line blow by.

This puts my bafflement at the ending of the Rams/Niners game into prettier words. Nobody much said anything on this site, but a game ending FG to lose a game is nearly unheard of. There is only one way it makes sense, and the Rams/McVay should be looked into to see if anybody close to the team had money riding on the outcome.

After the way Maher finished up last season, maybe that’s actually a reasonable excuse lol.

But seriously though, I don’t really see it as a huge issue. It was physically impossible to win, and they had two options to pick up some points with the last play, and took the higher percentage one, which just happened to cover the spread. Honestly you could make a bigger argument that in a spot like this the team should just kneel down instead, so as not to risk any injuries on a completely meaningless play.


It would be so dumb to kick that FG so that his team could cover and help him win a bet that I can’t imagine that’s the reason.

To support those fans that bet on his team? Or a big FU to those that bet on SF to cover.

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Net points could become a tie breaker in some really unlikely playoff seeding scenarios. For that reason alone, kicking was likely the correct play from perspective of maximizing superbowl equity although almost certain to be meaningless


the simplest explanation is he was just evaluating his kicker who they just signed and who missed 2 kicks in week 1

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There just going to claim points are a tiebreaker.

Also you kick in that spot so you can potentially fluke an onside return or an onside/hail mary shot (potentially with an untimed down if the receiving time commits a foul). Plausible deniability that they hoped the kick would leave time on the clock for a miracle.

anyone see a stat anywhere saying when the last time the browns were favored in pittsburgh was?

feels like it’s probably be a really long time.


Last section of this article

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i’m sure other fans have reasons they think rooting for their team is the worst…

they’re wrong.

i can’t believe what… man.


chicago bears

the entire offseason decided justin fields should be purely a pocket passer, cause you know gotta play to his strengths and all what? he runs and the running opens up the passing–he sucks at the passing part so you have to run him sometimes. Apparently he’s not allowed to take off and run from said or throw the ball away either. So he takes a beating because he stands in there way too long.

and also they ran the same screen play to the same side THREE TIMES in a row (one was a penalty that didn’t actually happen) against the bucs in the 2 min drill in their own goalline pick six’d

not joking it’s the same play The same play.

WTF is this shit

the bears are down just 3 points and it’s a screen backed up over and over and over i just man wtf


lolnfl timing couldn’t have been worse with the Chubb injury tonight

The NFL has filed a grievance against the NFL Players Association, alleging that union leaders, including president JC Tretter, have advised running backs to “consider feigning or exaggerating injuries” to help increase their leverage in contract negotiations.

“This conduct is a clear violation of the union’s agreement to use ‘best efforts to faithfully carry out the terms and conditions of the [CBA]’ and ‘to see that the terms and conditions of all NFL Player Contracts are carried out in full by players,’” the memo said. “The union’s conduct is also reckless as any player that chooses to follow this advice and improperly withhold services under his player contract will be subject to discipline and financial liability under the CBA, club rules, and/or the player’s contract.”

The league’s grievance seeks for the union to “cease and desist from such improper conduct as well as other remedies that the arbitrator may deem appropriate.”

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also the two key defenders against said screen

22 years of combined NFL experience

they are out here bragging they knew the play

well I mean 22 years old combined from two people might’ve figured it out but COACHING god

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