The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

If you just find and replace conservatorship with hostage or kidnapping it gives these stories the correct amount of gravity.


Conservatorship when he was in college makes perfect sense and was probably even necessary at the time since the rules were different back then. There was no NIL and the lolNCAA treated “amateur athletes” like the indentured servants they were. Old Piss would have almost surely run afoul of the “rules” otherwise.

But still being under one at, what, 37? Dude has been retire a few years now and as far as I know isn’t on the zazzle a la Britny. There’s zero justification I can think of. Where was his agent all this time? Who was his agent? Those rednecks? What about his attorney/accountants? How did it get to this? I just don’t get it.

Like seven or eight?

Is that gross or net? Hollywood accounting has bent over savvier people than Oher and these necks for real though

In the universe we deserve, the studio makes a surprise entrance to claim a huge net loss and sues Oher for their money (his share of the 2.5% on $100M red ink). And they win.

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It was likely never necessary, as they could have just adopted him instead.

Why did the family not seek an adoption instead of conservatorship?

Sean Tuohy told The Memphian: “We contacted lawyers who had told us that we couldn’t adopt over the age of 18; the only thing we could do was to have a conservatorship. We were so concerned it was on the up-and-up that we made sure the biological mother came to court.”

Elizabeth Psar, a Knoxville family attorney who has been practicing for 19 years, told ESPN the Tuohys could have adopted Oher, as long as his birth parents were notified and he agreed to the process. According to documents, Oher’s mother, Denise Oher, signed off on the conservatorship.

“Adults can be adopted in Tennessee, but, obviously, the adults have to consent to it,” she said. For someone to be adopted, she said, it would have taken having a lawyer file a court petition. “It would have been easy to file that, like you would anything else,” Psar said.

“We had to put a homeless black kid under conservatorship because NCAA rules” is something I authorize torture for in my version of The Cell. Tough year for Michael Lewis having two of his biggest hits revealed to be complete fairy tales.

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Which one is the other fairy tale?

ok Moneyball. DuckDuckGoing isn’t helping, I’ll try googling.

The billionaire failson owner finally moved the team because he wanted free public money all along. The premise of Oakland being a “small market” team that couldn’t spend like the Yankees was a myth. It’s just another grifter paying minimum salary to pocket the maximal revenue share profits like about ten other MLB teams. That’s, of course, not a part of the the story at all. Even Major League was way more accurate in that regard.


What did the conservatorship accomplish that just telling him what to sign or giving a one time limited power of attorney could not? I really don’t understand how conservatorship would be some sort of shield that protected him from NCAA rules

Seems like the conservatorship may have been specifically about an Ole Miss booster evading NCAA technicalities to funnel him to Ole Miss? Possibly some other self-serving reasons from an asset shielding / wealth management / liability perspective? I can’t see how this was even authorized in the first place though. Does Tennessee have a capacity requirement? One of the most disturbing details from the Britney case was that an “expert” medical opinion is needed to conserve someone in California, and the probate courts are infiltrated with stooges-for-hire who will provide those opinions.

Until further info coming in, I’m not giving the Tuohys the benefit of any doubt. They have advertised they adopted Oher, that’s lie #1. Lies almost always come in bunches.


Yeah I assume they are lying about everything until proven otherwise.


Is Tuohy even their real name? Sounds made up.

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I don’t know, according to the Tuohy’s lawyer they are super-wealthy with hundreds of millions, so the notion that they would have bothered to cheat Oher for just a few million “defies belief.” We all know the rich never steal more money or lie.

Not so much stealing as a sense of entitlement to his money because “all they did for him”.

Michael Lewis responds, but it’s ambiguous enough that I don’t think it’s going to change any minds about how much fault the Tuohys bear.

According to Lewis, Twentieth Century Fox, as it was then known, paid $250,000 for the option to make “The Blind Side” a movie, which he split 50-50 with the Tuohy family. The Tuohys have said they split their share evenly, including with Oher. After taxes and agent fees, Lewis said, his half was around $70,000.

Fox, however, never made the movie. (According to Lewis, the studio had thought Julia Roberts would be interested in the film, but she wasn’t.) Instead, Lewis said, Alcon, a small production company backed by Tuohy’s neighbor, FedEx CEO Fred Smith, stepped in. Instead of paying the actors large salaries, Lewis said, they were offered a share of the profits. Lewis said his deal provided him a share of the movie’s net profits, too. Warner Bros. distributed the movie.

According to Lewis, the film made around half a billion dollars, but the equity stake in the movie was not as lucrative as it would appear. In fact, he said, he had called his own representatives at Creative Artists Agency over the years, following the movie’s success, asking about his share of the profits.

Lewis said that ultimately after agent fees and taxes, he and the Tuohy family received around $350,000 each from the profits of the movie. Lewis said the Tuohys planned to share the royalties among the family members, including Oher, but Oher began declining his royalty checks, Lewis said. Lewis said he believed the Tuohy family had deposited Oher’s share in a trust fund for Oher’s son.

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This guy on Chiefs Planet @suzzer99?