The Neverending Picture Game

Category: thing


You got the city right though I was there the week before the 20th annual Sarajevo Film Festival started.

Birch trees?

Sorry, did you want something more specific than Sarajevo? It’s park near this cathedral Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Sarajevo - Wikipedia?


Revised category: thing but not trees themselves

If it’s “forest” I think this is from the “college jeopardy” edition.

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Look closer you should see something man made all over the place

no you’re fine

Looks like a lot of trip wire to me.

Otherwise, I’m going ropes connected to trunks of trees to resemble a spider web

Closer, but not close

Technically, a bunch of string wrapped around trees for no clear reason is correct. There doesn’t appear to be a design or pattern I can distinguish.

I mean it’d be a really annoying in an obstacle course. Otherwise, it just looks like somebody had way too much time on their hands.

is it this?

Nope, the closest so far is somewhere around “trip wire” and “a bunch of string wrapped around trees for no clear reason”, although there is a clear reason, and it’s sweet

Is the rope meant to steer deer or some animal like that into a killing area for hunters?



What can that hint mean but something for collecting sap for syrup?

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I guess the heart means I win?

Yeap, right down the road from me, if you zoom into the pic you can sorta make out the loops connected to the taps. Some variation of this


It all goes down hill into a big tank of sweetness. And this isn’t that far north, like 80-90 miles north of NYC

I guess that wasn’t really a rope or a wire, but…

(looking for the purpose of the wire, not what it’s made of)

It conducts electricity.