The Neverending Picture Game

I cheated

Is it just a weight you put on a cable? The wood looks like musical instrument quality wood.

It’s a guitar string lido.

Please don’t yell at the contestants

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Q: What’s the difference between a cello and a coffin?

A: The coffin has the dead person on the inside.

Q: What do a cello and a lawsuit have in common?

A: Everyone is happy when the case is closed.

extra spoiler

I think you get to go again

Ok I give up, please yell us the answer and go again

I have a suspicion I’m being viciously counter-trolled but I’m too dumb to see how. This game has made monsters of us all.

You use it to play a snare drum.

One of those brush things old guys use to put on shaving cream

A tip of some sort for mixing things?

The second image looks like it could be a trumpet, is it some kind of elongated reed?

Oboe Reed?

Bassoon reed

I know nobody will believe me, but I guessed that before KoNY posted.

Vtbtyvdhuun a buyn y

I think this one’s gonna be hard. Hopefully somebody quickly proves me wrong.

Hint: It was conquered by the guy who built this, but is nowhere near it:

Golcanda Fort Hyderabad, Telangana


Would you have gotten that without the hint?

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The hint wasn’t working when I got it. You posting it was enough of a hint. I don’t know everywhere you’ve traveled, but I know you’ve traveled in India.

The design of the arches there looks like it could be Indian, but if someone else had posted it, I could just as easily gone with Persian or somewhere else.

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Ruins in India is a big topic tho.

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