The Neverending Picture Game

What movie is this from?

Seventh Seal?

Boom. You da man!

lol, I forgot it was my turn, sry.

This is I think one some of you will get quickly and some will be confused. I’m going to be at the gym so I might not check on this for the next hour or so.

OK, lemme try that again:

ok. Here’s an easy one.

Where am I?

I think they’re ducati bikes, so Bologna?

yup! Ducati Museum in Bologna.

Bologna isn’t exactly a tourist destination, except for this. We toured the factory too, but no pictures were allowed. My husband raced GP bikes in his younger days, and this was his one request from our 5-week trip. Not a bad trade for hi letting me drag him around southern europe

Who lived here?

I did.

That’s a coincidence!

I was mostly asking what famous person lived there, though. Sorry, should have been clearer.

(Unless you’re famous?)

1355 Carroll Ave in LA.

“Built for industrialist Henry Pinney and occupied by his son until 1980, this home features fish-scale shingles, intricate fretwork, and enclosed eaves with decorative brackets, which were typical of the period.”

Yep, though it was Don Draper that meant we took that picture.

LOL missed it by 2 minutes again. Mad Men season 6 finale, Don Draper shows his kids the house he grew up in:


I’ve never seen Mad Men, so that was a fun search for me. Started with “Douglas St famous house” which led me to the Victorian mansions on Carroll and eventually made my way there.


!!! I knew that from mad men too

Majestic Hotel, 7th Street and Ocean Drive, Miami, FL

Yup. I guess that was too easy. I was going to block out “Majestic” but not sure that would have made it any tougher?

Impossible without Majestic, at least for me. There’s also a Majestic Hotel on the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD and let’s just say I’d rather be at the one in Miami. :grin:

All my pictures seem to be easily searchable, completely impossible, or my cat.

Correct answer for this will be “[Name] Park, [City], [State]”. I assume it’s in the completely impossible category, so I’ll follow up with a clue shortly.