The Neverending Picture Game

Yeah, go ahead, I suck at this game.

I think that was good. It’s an interesting picture. More interesting than this, which is something I just grabbed from my garage:

looks like a washer thing that goes around the pole of one of those lawn furnishing umbrellas

It is a washer thing, but not for furniture and it’s a pretty standard part that about a million Americans would instantly recognize.

It is a plumbing thing.

It looks more like something that would serve as a design piece around some digital screen or monitor that you’d find on a radio or something

Is it a washer off of a lathe?

I don’t believe microbet was an H&F bro, otherwise I would have said it was a washer for microloading olympic bars for weightlifting ( I also don’t think their were/ are 1 million H&F bros, so also doesn’t work based on this fact).

Your clue on this one is that there are no clues until @zikzak gets a shot.

No. I’m not a plumber.

Part of a toilet flapper? I happen to have these on the floor of my office since my cat loves playing with them.

Nope. It was pretty easy to Google if you just use a little info about me that you know and a very little general knowledge.

Solar water heater gasket? Total shot in the dark there.

I do solar photovoltaics.

Well in that case it must be a solar photovoltaic gasket, obviously.

(I know you work with photovoltaics, but couldn’t find any relevant part that resembles this)

Well, what construction field would photovoltaics be part of? Like in what aisle in home depot would you most likely find me shopping?

Vent stack gasket?


Oh, you should have just said that earlier. Looks like a Rigid Reducing Washer.

Eta: lol at the amount of hand holding needed to get me anywhere close to this answer.

Winner. “It’s an electrical part” seemed like too much of a clue. That’s 10 seconds on Google - gotta get to “electrician washer”.