The Neverending Picture Game

no it’s an elevation map. Red is usually higher, green and blue is lower. I would guess that the blue area is close to sea level, unless this one is flipped.

Most mountain ranges have foothills, so the transition from green to red is more gradual, with some orange areas. The green-red line suggests high/very sharp cliffs.

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Inspiration struck. I think it’s Colorado.

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hahah you’re totally right and I am a moron.

jfc i spent 4 years in the shadow of that red blob near the center, you’d think I’d see it.

I got the image from this guy. His river maps are really cool.

It’s really the shape of the Montrose plateau area that I should have keyed in on better.

Ah well, looks like Pyat’s next.

I got it because of the ‘uncropped’ clue and remembering those silly straight line borders you have.

Yep, thank you for letting me go to bed.

(Have to stop doing this last thing at night.)

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Mt. Royal Cross. Montreal

eta: Pretty sure that’s it. “Big metal cross on a hill”

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If you squint you can see Grimes shooting a music video.

Ok, don’t ID the place, but the movie this shot comes from. It will be a big advantage if you’re very close to my age - if you’re not…that’s a hint. Even with that I’ll probably have to put up another pic where you can see something more clearly.

I can see the video.

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Wow, blacklisted from watching your own countrywoman. Harsh!

This is two in a row I immediately recognized but not answering because too lazy to come up with another image.

Boo. This is two in a row that I put up that were aimed at you more than anyone else, but then we’re both old guys who do construction stuff. Greg is about our age though, maybe he’ll get it.

Is it Chinatown

Nope. It’s very specific to my age group, which basically means it’s a bad movie that people my age liked because they were 16 when it came out. I mean, I don’t think of it as a bad movie, but…it’s my mini-generation’s Boondock Saints or something like that.

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Another still from the movie
