The National Football League

Niners, Titans, Chiefs, Seahawks

time for some foobaw

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We had some snow here in KC, so I shoveled my drive and then did my neighbor’s. she’s an older gal and on oxygen last I checked, bless her heart…

Felt good, and I’ve earned an afternoon of shitposting itt!



run/run/pass probably not going to do it today for the Vikings.

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Hell of a start by the Niner D

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Samuel is a nice player

Niners win this going away

Their D will ball

If Sanders continues to haul them in like this, this game is over

Good job Pats grabbing Sanu instead of Sanders.

my stream is a few seconds behind u guys, lmao… I prolly oughta turn the radio on for real-time info

Made that drive look easy.

total domination

The D will come out match this effort, then rinse repeat

lol ravens tenn later

it might be 2 blowouts today

49ers looking good so far


Thought that screen was going to go for a lot more than 5.

lol tyler conklin not fast

him trying to get a stride going, tyreek woulda been accelerated to max speed

Welp. Cant defend on your back. Come on Witherspoon

Nice answer by the Vikings.


Witherspoon was, is and always will be useless.

that drive was a series of fortunate events. won’t likely happen again

the cornerback was in perfect position, but jfc he ended up over-running it and falling down. horrible

he’ll be roasted for that if SF advance