The National Football League

I thought Penny was donezo

Uh, yeah, weā€™re fuckedā€¦

ā€¦ Unless thatā€™s Marshawn Lynch music Iā€™m hearingā€¦

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ESPN says Marshawn is meeting with the Seahawks today

yeah it was long past time to maybe put a body on Diggs

Maybe Cousins sucks? he had like ten minutes back there and threw to double coverage

Cousins is terrible outside 1pm games


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If he pulls off a beastquake against the 49ers next week CenturyLink Field will probably collapse from the celebration.

So the Dolphins have the same record as NYG and lost to them head to head, yet draft 5th and NYG draft 4th? Story checks out

draft tiebreaker is strength of schedule, not head to head. Miami had it tougher, so they pick lower, sad!

also, a tie would have them 3rd right now so a) your claim it didnā€™t matter during the game was not true and b) boy did they need to take a knee or miss that FG at the end

Stupid question: How are the Seahawks able to sign Marshawn Lynch when I read that the Pats would have needed to sign Gronk somewhere by end of November to be egliable to play for the Pats this season?

Lynch was a FA while the Gronkā€™s rights are still held by Pats. There are different rules in place for each regarding when a player at each status can sign by and still be eligible to play.

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Lol at this. There is a reason Moe hasnt been playing for anyone. He is way past his prime. If he gets ten touches against the niner D or averages more than 2 Ill eat my hat

as I noted on another forum, Devin Hester was in a similar situation for the seahawks and was great for them. Weā€™ll see.

The Baltimore Sun took a letter from a reader and published it as an op-ed. It ridiculously takes Lamar Jackson to task for giving his offensive lineman rolexes for Christmas. He should instead be giving to charity.

It is an idiotic position to think people have to spend all their money on charity. It is wholly irresponsible for the paper to publish it as an op ed and not just under the headline ā€œThings whackadoodle readers thinkā€.

Most high profile football players / athletes give a lot of money and time to charity. I want to move to Baltimore, order the paper and cancel it.

(lol newspapers)

We had running back in high school give all the linemen a box of twinkies every time he ran for 100 yards. The local school paper picked up the story, it was a big scandal.

Yeah I was referring to the possibility of Miami still landing the #1 pick by way of losing to Cincy and Cincy possibly binking a Week 17 win too since Miami has no chance this week. A tie in that scenario is the same as a win.

But OF COURSE the tiebreaker is some convoluted bullshit that ignores what should be the first tiebreaker in every goddamned sport on the planet (head-to-head matchups) because the NFL is run by CTE-addled oafs and stupid billionaires whom people consider smart because they have money.

Troy Aikman did that shit for his O-Line every year.

Sportswriters are such hacks.


I think Eddie George did something similar for 1000 yard seasons.

Written by a Karen, because of course.

BIG BIG difference between Aikman and Jackson.

Hint: Stephen Colbertā€™s character on The Colbert Report wouldnā€™t be able to tell what the difference is.