The National Football League

When southies attack

Like the original Spygate should have.

the funniest part about this is…it’s the motherfucking Bengals.

Like, they are the very last team you’d even need to spy on, and I’m including the NCAA top 25 in that ranking ahead of them.


They would have been better off filming Ohio St


Manning face.gif?

Go for 2 or play OT?

play clock expired

Why do all these old women get the same hideous plastic surgery? Orrible

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Hilarious that the Iggs duped the giants into not taking a timeout at the end of the game. Or maybe giants are intentionally tanking idk

eagles are down to 1 healthy WR??? lmao

So very unsatisfying.

Manningface.gif part infinity lol

“identified as a Robert Kraft employee” so he was giving out handies?

Ruh roh

So what’s the line on this one? BAL by like 2 tds?

I’d be surprised if Jets keep it within 25.

Closed at 17

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So if it goes like that, maybe the question is will Lamar play in the 4th quarter?

RG3 finished in weeks 10-13 when the game wasn’t close.

Didn’t that end kinda badly though? To be fair though if i remember right it was a playoff game vs SEA that really did his knee in.