The National Football League

I heard wentz didn’t want to go to the bears

currently the bears have no plan at QB. maybe draft the florida guy? they tried that once

pay $15 million for mike glennon… nick foles…

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I honestly think the best plan is to just stick with Trubes. He’s not that bad. And maybe he will improve.


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At the very least I’ve got stick with Trubes ahead trading away significant assets to get Wentz.

Obviously if they could pull Deshaun that would be a different story, but that’s not happening.


Dafuq is going on in Seattle? Even using Russell and trade in the same sentence is crazy talk.

pete wants to stablish

Watt to the Cardinals lol

Yeah good for him for getting as much money as he can but going to the worst team in the toughest division is not trying to win a ring.

Nice scoop on the Lebron Josh. I didn’t want it anyway :joy:

Lol that makes no sense.


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Why didn’t Texans trade him again? I guess a 4th or so wouldn’t matter as they are so bad, but why not at least try.

Probably tough to trade someone with such a huge salary when you’re up against the cap and teams know you’re gonna have to cut him anyway and they can structure a deal more to their liking. Also probably as a favor to Watt for ten years of service to let him choose his next team.

Is it too early or is there enough interest yet for an NFL Draft thread?

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We’ve played the Texans every year for a while and I can’t remember Watt doing shit.

Arizona is shocking, thought he’d want his best rang chance or settle with playing with his bros.

Probably was the best offer and I thought Zona would’ve made the playoffs last year but entering the NFC West isn’t your best rang chance man.

or wanted warm weather or to still live in houston who knows.

Someone named Jane Slater is currently getting obliterated on Twitter, she started out arguing for unpaid internships, then freaked out on people pointing out its impossible to live on zero money and that she was supported by a rich family.

Lolooolol first reply

Her grandfather founded Wolf Chili, lol

I actually think AZ is a sneaky good choice. I actually think they’re probably win the west next year.