The National Football League

Reminds me of this sketch:

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Need some sort of QB WAR because different eras mean all these ‘wow most efficient passer in franchise history’ records are complete BS - see Trubisky, Mitch.

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Nothing like a franchise that’s been around for 100 years and had substantial historic success getting to play the underdog card twice in five years

Yeah that superbowl was the most conflicted I had ever been. The Patriots were cheating scumbags. Eli was a complete CHUD, especially for the BS he pulled at the draft. Boston fans in general are insufferable. NY fans are annoying too, but they’ve got nothing on Boston. The outcome I wanted was for the game to remain tied and in a stalemate forever somehow. Like somehow they break football and no team can advance the ball in OT.

I know in my heart I was really rooting for NE. My hatred for Boston fans is more about Red Sox than Pats fans, and deep down I know that Tom Brady is the GOAT, despite some angle shooting he may have done.

The Eli Manning draft day trade was such a win for San Diego.

Chargers got:

  • Philip Rivers (QB) straight up better than Eli
  • 3rd rounder Nate Kaeding (K) nine seasons with the Bolts, 2x pro bowler
  • 1st rounder Shaune Merriman (OLB) ROY, 3x pro bowler, roided out 39.5 sacks; no roids 6 sacks
  • a 5th rounder that they traded for Roman Oben who started 24 games at left tackle
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Kaeding missed the playoff kicks so maybe not

Lol overrated yardage whore most of his career.

ZzzzzzeerrrrrrrrO super bowl appearances. One of the worst time managers evahhhh. Dude would waste valuable seconds all the time arguing, without cussing, the last play trailing w a minute left. Fukkk Quivers.


Top 10 QB of 2005-2020?


Speaking of overrated yardage whore, yeah, I’m looking at you dru

lol someone is actually making the BUT RANNNNGZ argument

Spicy take - who is above in that period? Off the top of my head - BRady, Peyton, Brees, Big Rape, Rodgers, Russel Wilson … ?

Eli had that GOATIsh moxie.

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I think Matt Flynn still has the greatest game of any Packer QB

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Rodgers called the plays that game.

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Goff, Ryan, Bledsoe, ROMO, Eli, I could go on for days.

Sounds like a mediocrity time capsule to me.

I can see that perspective. However, the most important aspect of the Rivers/Manning trade was that the Chargers didn’t get stuck with Eli for his entire career. That’s a huge win.


I remember Flynn also had a big game against the Patriots that year, I think on Thanksgiving iirc, so it wasn’t just that single game against the Lions that garnered him that huge contract. (Arguing more with the article than with you, as that wasn’t your point.)

“Goff and Bledsoe are better than Rivers” is incredibly funny shit

Bledsoe’s last year in the league was Rivers’ first year starting, but they’re part of “the same era,” sure


Ryan I was on the fence about. He made an SB but Rivers has a better playoff W-L, better regular season W-L, better career QB rating.