The National Football League

ditka is chairman of a women’s tackle league supposed to debut in 2021

what the fuck edit–oh it’s basically the lingerie league. Yeah a bunch of dipshits running that sounds right.

feels like theres no chance NFL happens with the ongoing MLB drama

also, lol MLB

They’ll try to make the NFL happen but it’ll fail like the MLB.

Seriously, if the MLB can’t do it then no team sport can.

MLB isn’t taking it seriously though. They were supposed to social distance with masks on in the stands. It’s why stadiums have the tent areas behind the dugout. Instead they are all cramming into the dugouts and high fiving each other. And if they aren’t taking it seriously on the field, you know they aren’t taking it seriously off the field.

So NFL aren’t bubbling despite each team having hundreds of players/personnel flying everywhere?

There have also been a bunch of pics posted on S/M with players chillin in nite clubs. One prominent NFL player isn’t too happy.

lol it’s not the right sport but it was pretty hilarious that Lou Williams got busted for going to a strip club because of someone else’s IG

He was only going there for the wings!

The breasts were just an ancillary benefit.



At least he didn’t kneel during the National Anthem.


The molder of men

Baseball at least has the advantage of limited contact between teams. So even though the Marlins all got it, it looks like they didn’t give it to the Phillies.

In football, there is no way to stop transmission between teams. Sure they are outdoors, but they are literally face to face, and when there is a dogpile there are often in close quarters for minutes as they try to sort things out. I guess they could wear facemasks, but image playing in 100 degree heat in a mask. Also, I’m sure that masks will slip down (or get ripped off in the pile as you often hear about eye-gouging, etc.)

Add in that football teams are twice as big as baseball, and it’s going to be far worse than baseball.

Mahomes now owns the Royals, Broncos, Raiders, and Chargers.

(stolen from Chiefsplanet)


We have no way to know this yet.

Given different dugouts and locker rooms, it’s likely.

But testing won’t show them positive for a few more days, so it’s not known yet. You don’t show up positive the day you get exposed. Even 4 days later has 40% false negatives and we aren’t even to day 4 yet.

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How many threads do u need to infect with your covid negativity? Jfc get a life. Why are u excited by Marlins players getting sick?


Since last Friday 6400 mlb tests from the other 29 teams. Zero positives, it u won’t see @Nicholasp27b ever post the good news will ya?

What the hell is going on with the Pats

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Belichick playing 5d chess

That can’t be right.

Matt Davidson played last Friday and tested positive on Saturday. Moustakas was also placed on the Covid-IL (even though not clear he has a positive test).