The National Football League

Let them change their name between Washington Elephants and Washington Donkeys depending on which party controls the White House. I suppose we ought to have a third name in case of a third-party president, but LOL two-party system.

Washington Zumwald-class Destroyer Canceled Railguns Mk2

Looool I love it. Or the Washington Littoral Combat Ships Frigates

Washington Let Me Give You My Cards
Washington So Who Do You Work Fors
Washington Metro Delays


Washington Of Laundry


Washington Connections

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This would actually work pretty well if it turned out Dwayne Haskins and his receivers are Actually Good

I have it on good authority that Real Americans don’t wear masks. Any NFL player that takes the field in a helmet is a Pussy and a Traitor.


The Washington Trump Isn’t Really A Billionaires

Doesn’t really roll off the tongue, but it would piss him off the most.

Snyder will probably troll with something like The Washington PC.

Social Justice Warriors with same logo except adding a quote bubble that says “I’m triggered!”


The Washington Obamas

The real troll would be to come up with something plausible as a transition name but even more outrageous. Best I have so far is Washington Foreskins. After 75 years of controversy they’ll change their name to the Washington Fores and the team will be about golf, which by 2095 will be just as offensive a concept.

I’d go with the Washington Fat Men.

Washington Super PACs?

what if instead of Washington Hogs, Washington War Pigs?

Yeah I am not in favor of getting too symbolic or meaningful.

Be the Washington Blossoms or something.

We had senators how about the Washington House. Or Washington Reps or Washington Lobbyists (really write all laws).

Pussy Trader is a new name for a pimp?

Edit: Oops wrong thread

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Can we just call the number, say “Dwight Howard,” and hangup?