The National Football League

I forgot about raegor but I can’t help feeling like he’d still be there if they hadn’t taken him

well, the first thing about raegor on a very quick skim I noticed is how awful his QB was so I don’t know.


Oh boy

don’t the dolphins have enough DL who don’t get sacks?

Yeah he would have gone higher if he’d left after his junior year. He has the talent just gotta quit taking plays off and get the killer instinct back. We’ll see.

McVay bargain basement KLIFF

still don’t get how the packers went into this draft and went man, the real people we need to replace here are Rodgers and Aaron Jones.


It’s like a weird zuckerberging

Finally a safety for the Dolphins

There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear

I don’t like this casual Goodell bullshit.

In Round 3, the Packers are going to draft a stadium.

This is starting to make sense when you look at the titans offense, a QB who isn’t good, a power back, a fullback in round 3.

Packers might be having the worst draft in draft history.

Trading every pick for Ricky Williams is far better.


Yeah. I don’t believe in finding another team. But I have been not caring about the NFL since that game. That game was brutal, shameful and had me embarrassed as a Bengals fan. Hard to come back as a fan until they cleaned house. Bengals dropping to the bottom of the NFL was coming after that game…

(Man watching the replay of the Burfict hit again, Burfict is going down as my least favorite Bengal of all time. You want your OLB to be crazy. Somewhere on the 95-99 percentile. On the right moment you don’t mind them dipping into the 99-99.9 percentile crazy. Burfict hit that .1 percentile remaining, and did it often. Fuck him)

But just glad there was a Joe Burrow there when Bengals hit rock bottom…

Yeah dad took me to Bengals games when I was kid. Blame him. But my fandom is UK basketball>UK Football>Bengals then pretty much scraps if there is a good story



Rog is an animatronic Disney robot

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What am I missing that’s suspicious?

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