The National Football League

Can only imagine the uproar if this happened in today’s NFL

Is that Sean Taylor murdering that punter? I think that’s the last time I watched the pro bowl

Looks like a clean hit.

lol yeah I saw that too, pathetic.

Even if they do go RB round 1 why him? He’s no Zeke or Saquon.

(Also they just got rid of pro bowl DB and OT but let’s not mention that)

My biggest draft fear is they light a bunch of picks on fire trading up one spot

Trade all those players who immediately looked better elsewhere just to draft a RB with the picks is the most dolphins thing they can do isn’t it?

Choosing a RB would immediately catapult the pick to the worst pick in Dolphins history. And they’ve taken Dion Jordan and Ted Ginn in the the top 10 before.

eh, ginn was the best WR in the draft (edit at the time of the pick sorry) and didn’t everyone think it was gonna be Brady Quinn instead?

Miami also has a history of drafting terrible running backs in the first round, so even if they pick a bust, hard bar to clear calling it the worst.

Yeah Brady Quinn was supposed to be the pick. Calvin Johnson was also in that draft but I understand your point about Ginn being next best WR.

I just looked it up and in the past 20 years Miami has only taken a RB in the 1st round once (Ronnie Brown). The point I was trying to make that Namath was eluding to above was that it would be worst in the sense that this team needs so much help that taking a non-elite RB is a waste of a top 10 pick.

Never pick a RB in round 1.

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This. Easily the most overrated position in football.

I might even say don’t ever draft an RB in rounds 2 or 3 either.

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It’s worked out before but usually it doesn’t

How do you define “working out”?

Sincerely asking.

I would rather spend that draft capital on a position that is tougher to fill and can have a higher impact.

Or better yet trade down and stockpile picks because it’s a crap shoot anyways.

Saquon and Zeke seemed to have worked out. Ronnie brown was a stud I guess. Remember he and Cadillac both went in like the top three?? Such a simpler time

Weird. My post didnt post earlier.

Im surprised the media havent picked up on Monstert. Its a great nickname.

Drafting a RB early almost always fucking sucks. And is a GM trying to extend his contract by a year by putting a stud RB behind a mediocre line, and running him more than he should, and then saying, look how good RB is. But GM ran him into the ground just trying to extend his contract.

I’m not saying you can’t get a stud at RB in the first round.

I’m saying that the gap between a stud RB’s value vs a replacement level RBs value isn’t that big.

You are better off building a good team and plugging in a replacement level RB.

You posted it in Sports.

saquon panned out as well as they could’ve hoped and look how many more games the Giants are winning now.

Zeke went before Jalen Ramsey that was a huge mistake but I didn’t have a problem with him over anyone that got picked below that at the time of that draft.

I think none in rd2 or 3 is nonsensical; there certainly is still a lot of value in having a better RB than replacement. (hi pittsburgh) Worse, round 3 EV is like, a backup or rotation player in the league.

Rd1 is iffy though of course. Just kinda depends, some years some guys are reasonable and sometimes they are not.

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They are never reasonable in round 1.

Pitt isn’t even a good example. Conner put up almost identical numbers to Bell the year he held out.