The National Football League

Maybe teams get 1 point for a forfeit or something? But then that would be 1-0

I thought it might be literally impossible until I saw this play in a college game a few years ago:


I was thinking of that play! Too lazy to look for it though.

Yeah it’s bad. Especially because if the Packers go 3 and out they probably attempt a missable FG, letting Seattle start at like their own 40 if they miss. But like I said, I wonder what the break even point is. Probably something like 4th and high teens.

Here is the original scorigami video. If my memory serves me, he breaks down which scores are and are not impossible.

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Every score is possible outside of 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 7-1.

Here it is in chart form:

I wonder which score is more statistically unlikely, n-1 or 4-4.

I’m a numbers nerd yet I think it’s dumb as all hell. I’m definitely an outlier in this world of nerds.

Think forfeit is 2-0.

another reminder playing linebacker in the NFL sucks

INDIANAPOLIS—Laying down a harsh ruling that is sure to resonate in future cases, the NCAA determined Friday that Joe Burrow joining the Cincinnati Bengals will be more than enough punishment for his infraction of accepting a cash payment from Odell Beckham Jr. “We want to do everything we can to discourage college players from trying to monetize their position, and we have determined that whatever punishment we could come up with will pale in comparison to being drafted by the Bengals,” said N.C.A.A. president Mark Emmert, who warned that the LSU quarterback’s fate might become the new standard for punishing player corruption. “Let this be a warning to all the young men and women out there who might consider accepting a bribe. Burrow will have to spend the next four years playing for the Bengals, living in the city of Cincinnati, and carry the burden of being a hopeless franchise’s designated savior. Our only concern is that this punishment may be too harsh, but we are considering a scaled system where even worse infractions would entail being drafted by the Browns or Jets.” At press time, the N.C.A.A. had implemented a new disciple system for coaches who commit recruitment violations to be punished by up to three years as head coach of the Cowboys.


all the breaks to Tenn
Kc going to screw around and find out they can’t come back again

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That DB should be benched.

Lol Chefs. Typical Andy Reid team making dumbass mistakes when it matters.

Was The Fridge the heaviest ever to score a touchdown in postseason?


What the fuck even was that run

That looked like WWE shit. They made no attempt to actually tackle him.

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Mahomes is absolutely unreal

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